American Venom

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"We have to talk."

John jumped down from the wagon."It's good to see you too, Arthur."

"It's about Dutch and Micah-"

The dark haired man turned around, his steely grey eyes darkening with the mention of Dutch and Micah. He knew where they were involved, trouble would shortly follow. 

He helped Abigail and the kids down off the wagon, before closing the gap between he and Arthur. He really didn't want Abigail or the kids to hear.

"What about 'em?"

"Sadie and Charles talked to some feller who was tryin' to get in good with them. He gave up their location. We're leavin' at dusk, you in?"

John heaved a sigh."We walkin' into a trap?"

"Nah, they killed him. If it's a trap, they won't know we're coming."

"They still up in Mount Shann?"

Arthur nodded."As far as I know. They didn't say otherwise. You in or not?"

"I'm in." John replied without hesitation.

Arthur knew John wouldn't pass up the chance to kill Dutch or Micah, that wound was still far too fresh to just forget about it. This needed to be done and Arthur was willing to do it alone, even if it meant standing against an Army. 

"Lorna know?"

"Yeah, she weren't too happy about it, but I told her I had to do it for my health an' she had no choice but to accept it."

John snorted."I don't think it's gonna go over that well with Abbey."

"Just tell her you'll come back to her an' mean it."

Arthur clapped John's back as he waltzed to the house, his tail between his legs. Everyone knew the hell Abbey was going to give him, so scattered to avoid the initial blow. Arthur too. 

He went to the barn to saddle up the horses, and to grab as many items as they'd need for their trip up North. It would take at least a day to get there, especially on horseback. They just couldn't run the risk of taking a train right now. 

While John broke the news to Abigail, Arthur had to tell AJ something. He couldn't exactly lie to the boy, but he couldn't exactly tell him the truth either. He was smart enough, he could read between the lines.

"Hey," Arthur greeted."Can we talk a minute?"

AJ nodded."Of course, what about?"

"I have to run some errands with John and Charles and Sadie. Are-"

"I'll be fine. I was actually hoping to talk to you about something anyway."

Arthur raised a brow."What's that?"

AJ stuck his hands in his pockets, while looking down at the ground."I uh, I was hoping I could stay...for good."

"What about your girl - Rose?"

"Well yeah I plan to bring her here, but I was thinking instead of living in town, I could buy the remaining land. That way I can be close by."

Arthur gave a nod and a half smile."You're welcomed to stay as long as you need, son. And we'll go into town when I get back and talk to the lot commissioner."

"That's great! I have about eight hundred-"

"How'd ya get that much?"

"I work."

"Oh yeah right, sorry."

Sometimes Arthur forgot that a person who works a decent job can actually save money - they don't always have to steal, cheat and kill. 

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