Joy and Pain

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He dropped his hat on the bed and lowered his head into his hands."I'm sick, Lorna. It's Tu...tuberculosis."

She heard the words, but they didn't quite register in her head yet. She stared at him, confusion written all over her face - all breathing ceased in this moment. Tuberculosis... it sounded so foreign.

"What?" She managed to say, though it came out more as a whisper. 

"Doctor in Saint Denis said so." He stood up and cleared his throat."Thing is, it's contagious, but you an' the baby can't catch it unless I cough or sneeze on you."

She swallowed and stood up."How long will you have it? I-Is it like a cold?"

He dropped his head."No. It...It ain't never gonna go away."

Lorna knew enough to read between the lines, she lowered her head as tears welled in her dark brown eyes.

He always did say he wanted to die with his boots on and a gun in each hand, and she still believed he would, because Arthur was a stubborn man and refused to lie down and accept his fate. 

"Is it-"

"It's terminal." He replied, his voice hoarse."...He said there's some options, but it won't ever go away."

She inhaled sharply then exhaled."What are the options?"

He ran his thumb over his nose."Goin' out West, somewhere dry. Anywhere wet is dangerous, I won't survive long."

"Then we're going out West." She decided.

"Can't just pack up and leave everything an' everyone." He waved his hand around.

She snorted."I guess you want to die then?"

"No!" He hesitated, shaking his head."Course not. I just got obligations - the gang, I can't just leave 'em high and dry."

"You're sick, Arthur! For once, just this once, I want you to take care of yourself and no one else!" She turned around and buried her head in her hands.

Arthur frowned and walked up behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder, before engulfing her in his arms. She sobbed, her small body shaking with grief. He turned her around in his arms and she buried her head in his chest. He felt hot tears prick his eyes, then fall down his cheeks. 

"Talked to this Nun, she was the one who helped me out. She told me lots of things, even gave me some Rosary beads." 

She pulled away, with red eyes and tear stained cheeks."What did she say?"

He reached forward and swiped a stray tear away."She told me God wouldn't give me a family, just for me to lose 'em. What I got is on me, it's my lesson for every bad thing I ever done in my life."

"I was always told God doesn't hand out hardships." She sniffled.

"That's what she told me." He took a seat on the bed."But she also said, if you ain't been doin' good things, he'll find a way to get your attention or allow hardships to happen. You just gotta learn from your mistakes real quick or nothin' will ever change."

She sat down beside him again and nodded her head."That makes sense."

"So I'm gonna try real hard to change-"

"You already have and so much, I couldn't ask for a better man to be married to." She kissed his cheek, then rested her head against his shoulder.

Arthur looked down and reached for Lorna's hand, squeezing it gently. He hadn't realized it before, but he did change. He quickly wiped a tear away from his eye. 

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