Urban Pleasures

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Barstow, California 
Train Station

Stepping off the train and breathing in the fresh air, was both rejuvenating and freeing. She was no longer bound to endless chores, sleeping on a cot, the hot sticky Bayou, fearing for her life, the same mindless chatter and bicker. She was able to do what ever she pleased.

She pressed a kiss to Lily's head as she stepped off the platform. Where she was greeted by a young man and an older woman, both waiting for the stage to arrive.

"It's never on time, Miss. You may want to sit for a while." The older woman smiled, gesturing to the bench behind them.

Lorna offered a smile and turned to the bench back on the platform. She sat Lily down beside her and placed her bag at her feet. 

She missed Arthur something awful, but knew this was the right thing to do. And somehow, she felt he knew that too. He had to. But then again, loyalty was his disease.

Lily waved her arms around, slapping Lorna's leg, jolting her from her thoughts. The brunette smiled and ran her hand over the babe's honey brown hair, that mirrored Arthur's. 

She was the most important thing in Lorna's life right now, aside from Arthur himself. But he was a grown man, he knew what he had to do, she couldn't take him away from the life, not even if she wanted to. He had to make that choice for himself. He had to choose who he loved more; Dutch or his family.

The young man from earlier walked over and asked if he could sit beside her, she nodded and pulled Lily into her lap.

He was a handsome man, but, he wasn't Arthur. Not even close. Still, Lorna couldn't help but take in his features. Wispy blonde hair, a sharp jawline, plump lips, a chin dimple and light green eyes. If she hadn't been in love with Arthur, she may have considered him as an interest. 

"My name is John York." He spoke with an English accent, which took her by surprise. He smiled at her reaction."Johnathan, actually. But my friends call me John."

"Lorna Morgan." She offered her hand.

He grasped it and brought it to his mouth."Pleasure to meet you."

Lorna smiled."You're a long way from home."

He chuckled."Yes I am. My father sent me away for better education. Though, I can't say I've been educating myself. I've been mostly exploring the coast, and sending things back home when I can."

"You remind me of someone."

"Who?" He quirked a brow.

"My husband, Arthur." She smiled sadly.

He nodded and breathed a laugh."I should've known that, with your child sitting in your lap. I guess I was hoping you were a widow."

She frowned, shaking her head."No, no. I-I'm waiting for him, he should be here any day now...I hope."

"You hope?"

Sensing she'd said too much, she shook her head, laughing to herself.

He'd been staring the whole time and she had been avoiding his gaze, afraid that she may be giving him the wrong idea - if she hadn't done that already. 

"It's nothing really. Just my insecurities." She laughed again, waving it off as if it were truly nothing.

John nodded, a lopsided smile present."What's this little sweetheart's name?"


"I thought it might be something like that." He touched her cheek and she smiled, babbling to herself.

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