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So much has happened since I last wrote, which was only a few months ago. I regret that I didn't care enough to put more words down, but I was in a bad place then. I reckon not much has changed mentally, but emotionally my life has changed drastically.

For starters, Lorna is pregnant again. We weren't planning on having another kid, but I guess we're not really in control of our lives after all. No matter how much we plan and plan, there is always a divine plan. I assume ours is to be parents and I couldn't ask for a better plan. 

So it finally happened, Abigail left John - took the kids and just left. She told him that she couldn't take the past coming back and John needed to prove that it wasn't. And after a few days of being depressed, I kicked his ass into high gear and the little fucker actually came up with a brilliant plan!

He talked with Mr. Geddes and he told him about a lot that was just North of Blackwater. A little risky if you ask me, but, it's a nice piece of land and John and me couldn't resist it.

We bumped into Uncle in Blackwater, who was lounging outside a Saloon - which didn't surprise me none. He was shocked to see us standing there though, but more importantly shocked that we were alive! Rumor has it, we died during the shootout up on the ridge in Beaver Hollow.

So we filled Uncle in on our new identities and what's been happening since that fateful day. He then filled us in on where the rest of the gang had scattered off to. 

Once we found out Charles was in Saint Denis, we took the train down to find him. We had some things to talk about, but we also needed the help. 

We found him fighting in the courtyard of some factory in the slums, he won and became five hundred dollars richer. I, personally, am pissed that it came so easily for him, but hey, if he can handle being beat up, be my guest. It ain't really my cup of tea. 

Now we're here at Beacher's Hope, getting ready to pull down the shack and clean up a bit. Lorna is staying at Pronghorn so she can continue working until we're finished, then I'll go get her and the kids and bring them back. I am a little worried that Abbey ain't coming back, but she said she would once John fixed the situation. 

I'm hoping for his sake that this fixes it, because I honestly think the boy will do harm to himself otherwise. He may not have shown his love for Jack and Abbey in the past, but he really grew up and became a man. Now they're his world. 

I can understand that, when Lorna left with Lily and went to California, my heart shattered into a million pieces. I didn't want her to go, but her leaving was probably one of the best things to happen to me, because I woke up and stopped pretending that everything was okay.

I couldn't make their life better in that moment, but I can help John make his life better now. And not only am I helping him and his family, I am helping my family as well. Something I've always wanted to do, ever since I lost Isaac and Eliza. 

Speaking of which, I finally told Lily and William about them. They reacted differently than I expected them to; they listened and understood what I was saying, they even comforted me when I got upset. It's funny how compassionate kids can be, even when you don't think they're capable of it. I guess we are better parents than we thought. 

Well, I hate to stop writing, but I can't keep them waiting much longer, they're giving me dirty looks - Heh, I really should go help them. To be fair though, we were all taking a break. 


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