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Three weeks later...

It took some time getting used to the work and all that came with it, but they were managing. Lorna and Abigail finally learned the ranks, making a name for themselves around town and not the kind they were used to getting.

Arthur and John got a raise shortly after the first week of working for Mr. Geddes. Their work was top notch, they were everything that Mr. Geddes was hoping for and more. They too were making a name for themselves.

The children were being tutored by Betsy, who realized that children shouldn't be left alone to their own devices all day long. She used to teach before she got married and wanted to do something decent with all of her free time.

So everyday around nine in the morning, she would come to pick up the children in her buckboard, Jack included, and take them to her house down the road from the ranch. They'd come home at the end of each day, with exciting stories to tell their parents.

It was becoming a safe life, almost boring at times. Although, Arthur still believed something bad was lurking around the corner, just waiting until they were at their happiest. It was always like this, especially when everything was going smoothly. But he tried to believe like Lorna taught him, after all, it was believing that saved his life.

As the day began, he reflected on the moment he thought he was going to die. A very low point in his life when he saw death rearing it's ugly head. He was open to dying at that point, because the thought of having to continue on as he was, just wasn't going to work. 

The day he was told he was healthy was worse than the day he was told he was sick. He didn't know what he wanted to do with his life or how to even begin it.

John sensed his apprehension and took over from there, allowing him some time to process that he was alive and healthy and would go on to live for many more years.

When John proposed the idea of going back up North, Arthur was skeptical, but what else did they have to lose? Then Lorna got pregnant again and they had to stay in Utah for a while, where he and John did some herding for a local cattle rancher. It was really good money, but the work was too hard on his body. 

Going back to Strawberry though, made him realize who he was again. It was as if he'd left a piece of his soul behind while he got better and it was just waiting for him to come back to retrieve it. 

"You still there, Arthur?"

Arthur turned and gave a quick nod."Yeah, yeah, just thinkin' again."

John jammed the shovel in the ground, pulled off his glove and wiped his forehead. It was a sweltering hot day, so they both forewent their shirts, leaving their pants, shoes and hats. Needless to say, they were burnt to a crisp.

"You always did that. I remember Hosea sayin' you'd get us all killed one day."

"Almost did."

"Several times. Hosea'd just say that Arthur, I'll have to have a talk with him. Dunno if he ever did though." He chuckled."...You was his Golden boy, that's for sure."

Arthur scoffed."Hardly."

"Nah you was always Hosea's favorite and I was always Dutch's. Guess he thought I was easier to manipulate than you."

"Hosea liked me cause I wanted to read an' write....and take baths, but you always threw a fit when Hosea said it was time to learn. I remember you bit that old man!"

John tilted his head back laughing."I remember! Well, I'd just come off the streets and I didn't want nobody, 'specially no man, fatherin' me - orderin' me around like I was his kin...then I got to know Hosea, you and Dutch and I realized you all cared for me, that's why you pushed so hard."

The Last Love Of Arthur MorganWhere stories live. Discover now