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Javier had informed Arthur of John's whereabouts, or where he was last seen. Apparently he got scared again, stupid coward that he was. Some O'Driscoll's chased him up the mountain. And according to Javier, one of the O'Driscoll's was more than happy to rat on his fellow gang members.

Arthur and Javier decided to head out before dawn, this way they could make good timing. Lorna made sure to pack them some extra provisions in case they were gone for more than a day.

"Please be careful." She whispered.

He nodded and kissed her lips."Keep your gun close by, use it if ya need to."

She nodded and wrapped his scarf around his neck."...I-I love you."

He smiled."Love you."

She watched as he left the cabin, making sure to lock the door behind him. Anyone else would just have to knock before coming in. Suddenly the bedroom door to her right swung open and Sadie walked out, clad in her winter apparel.

"Where are you going?" Lorna questioned.

"With them. They're gonna need a third person." She shrugged the rifle on her shoulder."In the meantime, I ain't gonna be around, so keep your eyes open ladies."

"I dont think you should go."

Sadie laughed."I ain't a rule follower, Lorna girl."

"I know this."

"So why's you tellin' me to stay then?"

She shook her head."Because it's dangerous out there-"

"For a woman?" She interjected with a laugh."That may be so, but I ain't like most women."

"I didnt mean anything by it."

"I know." Sadie nodded, patting her shoulder."I'll be fine - you will be too. Just keep your eyes peeled. Dont let anyone slack off."

Sadie opened the door and rushed out to the barn where Arthur and Javier were. Lorna sighed as she watched the three mount their horses.

Arthur turned to the cabin and held up his hand; Lorna offered a smile. Something about that smile made him feel a little easier about leaving, though he didnt entirely trust it. He almost wished that Mrs. Adler was staying behind, she was a lot stronger than he ever imagined. Lorna was too, but, she was just coming into her strength. She certainly couldnt handle gunfire, not yet - he hoped not ever.

He glanced back and watched as the cabins grew smaller and smaller. Sadie snorted and brought him back to the present.

"She'll be alright."

"I ain't worried." He snapped.

Sadie laughed."Sure you are, but that's because yous a good man. Dont ever change, Arthur."


What felt like days was only a few short hours. The snow was blinding and thick, almost too harsh for the horses. Once they crested the mountain, they'd have to dismount and go on foot. No use in wearing out the horses anymore than they already were.

Javier said something about John being injured, through his conversations with the one O'Driscoll who was willing to talk. If he was hurt that was just another thing to weigh them down.

"So why'd he run off?" Sadie asked.

Arthur shook his head."He dont wanna believe Jack is his, maybe this is just the good Lord's way of sayin' he is."

Sadie snorted."Dumbass."

"My sentiments exactly." Arthur muttered.

"We'll dismount up here and go on foot!" Javier called out over his shoulder.

The Last Love Of Arthur MorganWhere stories live. Discover now