We Loved Once and True

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Before I start I want to give a huge shoutout to @shallrise , because of this sweetheart, I found out that someone was copying chapters of this story into their own and only tweaking it a little so that it fit their story better.

I've since contacted the person and gave them a chance to apologize for it and correct their mistake and they have, but this is the only time I'll do that. Next time I won't be as friendly about it and will be reporting whoever does this. So those of you who plan to steal my work, I'd advice you to think wisely.

This chapter contains lots of NSFW, proceed with caution....or not ;p


Arthur rode back into camp hours after sending the rest ahead, he wanted to clean up the mess the bounty hunters left and maybe see what he could find around their camp. But someone spotted him looting and threatened the law, Arthur tried catching up to him but ultimately failed. Thankfully though nothing came of it. He hoped anyway.

Everyone was drinking and dancing, Sean and Karen were necking near her tent. Javier was playing guitar. Dutch was sitting in a chair just outside his own tent, smoking a cigar, Hosea at his side. Everyone else was either enjoying the party, or scattered around doing their own thing.

Lorna walked over as he dismounted Walker, he enveloped her in a hug and she buried her face in his chest, inhaling his musky scent. He kissed the top of her head, getting an instant whiff of lavender.

"I'm glad you made it back."

He chuckled."Was there ever any doubt?"

"Some. But, Javier assured me you were pulling up the rear, his words not mine."

Arthur nodded with a slight laugh."Sounds about right." he walked over to Walker and began unstrapping the saddle.

"You going to join the party?"

"I might."

She nodded, wrapping the shawl around her tighter."Oh, you got a letter today from a Mary Linton?"

Arthur froze in place hearing the name, he dipped his head low as he suddenly found himself falling so easily under the mercy of Mary again. Stupid fool he was. He hadn't seen or spoken to her since their bitter breakup eight years ago, he wondered what she wanted after all this time.

"D-Did you read it?"

"No, not at all. Should I have reason to worry?"

He shook his head."No...was just wonderin' is all."

She reached out and touched his arm."Who is Mary Linton?"

"I don't know a Mary Linton, I just know a Mary Gillis. Must be her married name." He lifted the saddle and placed it on the hitching post.

"Well who is she?"

"We was supposed to get married a long time ago. But I wasn't good enough." He rid Walker of his bridle and rewarded him with a peppermint."I don't know what she wants now, haven't heard from her in eight years."

Lorna frowned."Could she want you back?"

"Dunno. If she does I ain't goin' to, you know that, right?"

She nodded and placed her hand over her belly. Arthur followed her movement and swallowed thickly. Right, he was an expectant father, he couldn't keep going on these suicide missions, or chasing after old flames. He had to remember what was a priority and what was just going to get in the way. Mary Gillis - Linton - whoever she was, would get in the way of things and he wasn't sure how to handle that. When she left him to marry someone else, he imagined she'd be out of his life forever - he guessed forever ended now.

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