The Course of True Love

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Arthur and Hosea met with Dutch in Rhodes. Sheriff Gray mentioned that he knew of some properties in and around town for them to look at. Dutch explained that after they loosened him up a bit, he'd wiggle his way in. He didnt elaborate on what he was going to do, they just assumed it was all apart of this master plan he had. Whatever that was.

As suspected, Sheriff Gray was a fool - a drunken fool at that. He slurred and hiccupped and stumbled about. Arthur shook his head, wondering how the hell this fool even ran a town. And in the middle of his drunken charade, the Sheriff ripped the star from his chest and slapped it in Arthur's hand.

"What's this for?"

"Y-You're the Sheriff n-now." He stumbled and fell into a barrel of apples.

Arthur shook his head."Nah, I don't think I'm qualified for the job."

"You will be." The Deputy assured."Follow me Fellas."

Arthur and Hosea shared a look before following the Deputy, unsure of what he had planned. A little cautious they were, but curious nonetheless.

They all mounted up and followed the Deputy out of town, earning stares from the townsfolk milling about. It didn't bother Arthur so much, for once they were staring because he was with the law, not running from it.

"You trust this?" Arthur asked.

Hosea nodded."Sure, but if anything happens, shoot first then run."

Arthur snorted."Reckon I know the rules by now."

"Everyone could use a reminder."

That's all they seemed to do, was shoot first and run. Riding with the law, as little of a branch they may be, was unnerving. He'd spent all his life running from them, hiding from them, now he was siding with them. It didn't make sense to him, but then again, nothing made sense anymore.

They rode for about fifteen minutes or so, before coming up to a police wagon waiting for a train to pass. Trelawny somehow got mixed up and was thrown in the back with the rest of the prisoners, probably over something down in Blackwater. Arthur shot Hosea a look and for the first time in a while, the older man looked stunned. It was no secret that Trelawny had his fair share of run ins with the law, but for them to come across each other at precisely the same time was bizarre. Arthur had to admit, he was anxious to see where this would go.

Dutch strolled up to the wagon, as Hosea passed a key to Trelawny. He talked up a convincing game, and the men up front were none the wiser to what was going on.

Arthur couldn't help but chuckle to himself, as it reminded him of the old days when it was just Dutch, himself and Hosea. It was all kid mischief then compared to what they did now. He kind of missed it.


The prisoners bled out of the police wagon, all except Trelawny - he stayed like the obedient dog he was. Dutch volunteered himself and Arthur to chase after the prisoners, but before he could protest it, he was thrust into a high speed chase, pushing Walker to the max.

"C'mon boy." He coaxed."Just a little more."

"Arthur!" Dutch bellowed."Hurry and get on that train!"

"What the hell do you think I'm doin'?"

He jabbed Walker's side with his spurs, the horse whinnied in protest and jolted forward, giving Arthur the opportunity to jump on the caboose. He quickly took to the ladder and was met with a bullet whizzing past his head. He nearly fell off the train, if not for the tight grip he had on the ladder. He ripped his gun from his holster and fired a shot, the bullet pierced the prisoner's shoulder, making him lose his balance and tumble off the train car.

The Last Love Of Arthur MorganWhere stories live. Discover now