About the Future

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OMG! 11k views and almost 500 votes! You guys are the best!! I couldn't ask for a better bunch of folks reading my story, I love you all <3

**More notes at the end**

Three months ago, I nearly lost Lorna and the baby when they were taken from me. I killed federal agents for them and have no regrets. I will surely hang for it, as for other things, but for now I guess I will try to be happy - if that even exists for a man like me.

We moved camp back to Clemens Point, we figured enough time has past since we were there last. And everyone loved it here the first time. At least the Pinkertons will be occupied for a while with that explosion up in Carmody Dell.

Dutch and Hosea are making plans to build cabins for us, so we can stop living like gypsies. It'll be less suspicious, they say. I ain't too sure how that'll work, but, I'm looking forward to the plan.

Alot has changed in the last few months, Hosea and I have been dealing with our real estate (scam) business. We're making more money than we did robbing folk and I'm not putting myself, Lorna or the baby in any danger. It's still robbing folk, but in a lesser evil. We ain't putting guns to their heads demanding money, we just go about it a different way.

We even got the ladies in on it, since they've got fine print and all. They print up the deeds and any other contracts, while we do all the conning. Lorna helps out when she can, but I hate bringing her in all this.

Mrs. Adler and I still do some bounties together, that is, when she ain't busy running errands for Dutch. He has become a real emperor these days, demanding this or that, and leading everyone into near suicide missions. He still refuses to believe in what Hosea and I are accomplishing, because that would mean he is wrong and God forbid he is.

I still plan on getting us out and I'm nearly there. I have a lot of money saved up already, just waiting on the next scam. That one is going to be the one that set us free.

Arthur closed his journal and stuffed it back in his satchel. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Lorna. Smiling, he leaned in and pressed a small kiss to her growing belly. Sliding his arm around her waist, he guided her down on his knee.

"What're you writing about?"

Arthur shrugged."Nothin' really. Haven't written in a while, got the urge to all of a sudden."

She smiled and kissed his temple, sliding her arms around his neck. His arms encircled her waist, pulling her closer. The baby gave a swift kick that even Arthur felt, they both laughed and he placed his hand over her belly.

"She's feisty."


He nodded."Yeah, it's a girl."

She nodded, knowing that this was still a sore subject for him. Having another boy, in his mind, it would almost be like he was replacing Isaac with another. She'd humor him though, even if she had a feeling it was a boy.

"Won't love it any less if isnt...just want a girl is all." He turned his head, his voice trailing off into oblivion.

"You don't have to explain." She brushed her fingers through his hair."I understand."

He nodded.

Lorna stood up and grabbed his hand, pulling him up from the overturned bucket. She guided him off the dock and back to camp, which was bustling with people and animals. The chickens, the horses and Cain, Jack's dog, a stray that just wandered into camp one day a few months ago. It was like a real home.

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