The Three Wise Men...Or Was It Four?

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"Charles is down in Saint Denis, he's some prize fighter now!" Uncle exclaimed."Damn fool he is."

"We heard-"

"And that Karen done run off down to Mexico with the Del Lobo gang - you heard of 'em?"

Arthur scoffed."Sadie's been tellin' us about her quests with them."

"Buncha mean bastards."

They slowed their horses down as they arrived at the destined location; Beechers Hope. It was worse off than the lot commissioner let on, it was overgrown with twigs and dead grass, rocks and broken pieces of fence. The shack was so run down and falling apart, that it swayed with the slightest breeze.

"Well it ain't the best lookin', but I figure Lorna and Abigail can add a woman's touch and make it look better."

Arthur and Uncle turned to John, stunned that he even thought the shack was livable. Arthur shook his head, chuckling, as he kicked a rock with his boot.

"You are such a fool, Marston."


"You can't live in this!" Uncle snapped, gesturing to the shack."It ain't safe!"

"Well what are we supposed to do then?"

"First, we go find Charles," Arthur announced, turning around."Then we'll use the horses to pull down the building, but to be honest, a stiff breeze could knock it over."

"Yeah but," John interrupted."What're we gonna live in?"

Arthur heaved a sigh, gripping his belt."We're gonna build us a better house, Marston. Use your Goddamn brains, would'ja?"

"Shut up, Arthur."

Uncle waved his hand, annoyed."In the mean time, I think we should head over to the lumber yard and pick yous out a house."

"How does that even work?"

"You pick out a house in a catalog and they deliver the lumber and materials, then you build it."

"Oh, I didn't know that."

"Well we don't expect you to know much, Marston. Not after them wolves ate half your brain." Arthur snarled, hoisting himself up into the saddle.

"You ain't right in the head, Arthur." John pointed to his head.

Arthur scoffed.

"Now, now boys, I ain't gettin' in the middle of no damn squabble, so pull yourselves together!"

Uncle jerked Nell into a gallop, leaving the boys behind in a trail of dust.

Arthur pulled his red bandana up over his mouth and nose, to protect his lungs from further infection. He'd forgotten to do that a lot of the time, and would later be painfully reminded when he couldn't breathe properly. He decided being vain wasn't going to keep him alive, so he played it smart instead.

They followed after Uncle, hoping to catch up with the old coot. He was always so competitive, even on his worst days - which Arthur believed was just a ploy. He could probably outrun them all if given half the chance.

Arthur glanced over at John, who wasn't speaking to him and he knew why; too many jokes on his behalf. He tried reasoning with himself, hoping that it'd make him feel better, but it only made him feel worse.

"Look I'm sorry, I'll try not to say those things again." Arthur said, as they slowed down.

"It ain't that, I'm used to the jabs." He shook his head."I'm just wonderin' if this is all worth it."

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