Arthur Morgan was never one to fall madly in love....until the day he met Lorna. That was when everything changed for him.
(1897-1907) Covers Blackwater and other events. Does not follow the game 100%)
(Check out my other story; May I, S...
First let me introduce myself, surely you'll know me by name. I am Arthur Allen Watnick - your son. My parents finally told me that I was adopted and although it pained me to hear, I feel as if I should know and should've known.
I figure since I know who you are, I should know who my real father is now. My parents don't know and have never known, but I know that you know. So I'm begging you to please tell me his name; anything about him. I want to know who I am as a whole not a half - I think I deserve that much.
And as strange as this may come, I'd love to get to know you more as well. My parents said you were a beautiful woman and I don't doubt it, but I want to know you as a friend and as my mother.
Please take the time to really consider this, I'd love to hear back from you!
Love your son,
Arthur W.
P.s Here is a picture for you to keep.
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Dear Arthur,
I can't put it into words how happy I am that you finally wrote to me. This may come as a surprise to you, but I have missed you a great deal. I think, perhaps, we should meet again. I would love to see you in person, to see you for the handsome man you are today!
Sadly, your father isn't with us anymore, he passed away in 1899 from Tuberculosis - he was a rough edged man, but had the biggest most kindest heart. It was mostly hidden though.
Arthur Morgan, your father was very handsome; light brown hair, the bluest eyes I've ever seen, a rock jaw, tall and muscular.
...I wish I would've told him about you and I regret that I didn't everyday, but times were tough then. Your father was an outlaw, running with a dangerous gang. I wasn't about that life and he was torn between his and mine. He finally chose his life over me, but had A LOT of help making the decision thanks to my father, your grandfather.
I do know that he remarried and had another child. A daughter, I believe. I don't know much about their situation, but they're alive. And I'm sure she'd be happy if you contacted her and told her everything. Her name is Lorna Morgan.
This letter has put a permanent smile on my face, thank you! I truly hope to see you soon and I hope that you find all the answers you're seeking!
Mary Linton (momma)
p.s I've enclosed a picture of your father and I. I think you may need it more than I do.
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