A Place Called Home

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Scenes of a miscarriage and talks of a child's death - may be triggering for some!


It took several days to lay the foundation of the house, but they managed to do just that. The three of them that is, not Uncle. Though sometimes he did surprise them, but he mostly hung out under a tree barking out orders.

Arthur sent word back to Lorna and explained what was happening. She was beyond thrilled that they'd be together again and so was he; she was starting to show. So it was imperative that this house got built soon.

John wrote to Abbey and she replied with a letter in her own writing. Apparently Jack had been teaching her to read and write while they were away. Arthur was glad, because Jack had one of the best teachers and that sort of wisdom should never go out of style.

He missed Hosea dearly and wished for the old man to be here to see all of this - he would've been so proud. But if Hosea was still alive, the gang wouldn't of gone down such a dark path. Dutch wouldn't and couldn't admit it, but Hosea's death played a big role in his downfall, which led to the demise of the gang.

"Here." John tossed Arthur the canteen.


After John received the letter from Abigail, he seemed to have an extra skip to his step and his work ethic was impeccable - he was running on a high that none of them could ever understand, but no one was complaining. They all needed to pull their weight, which brought them to the very smelly problem that is Uncle. 

He helped very little, yet bossed them all around as if he was entitled. He was falling back into old routine and it was frustrating, but that was Uncle. Arthur guessed it shouldn't be much of a surprise.

"It's really lookin' like a home." John commented, as he took a seat beside Arthur.

"Yeah it is." 

"You been in a sour mood lately, what's up?"

Arthur shrugged."Just miss Lorna."

He felt funny saying that, when it was Abigail who'd left John. But he couldn't lie about it, he really did miss her and the kids. He'd never been away from them this long. 

"Sorry, I know you're goin' through a lot more than me," Arthur took a long sip of water, then wiped his mouth with his hand."I just ain't used to bein' away from them."

John nodded."I can finally say that I understand."

"Lorna told me she's starting to show and I just thought I'd be there to see it."

"You will, Arthur. I don't think it'll be much longer." 

"...Foundation was the hardest."

"It was a bitch," John laughed."C'mon, we still got a shit ton of work to do."

Arthur stood and followed John out from under the shady tree, over to where Charles and Uncle chatted.

Uncle looked as if he were ready to do some work, so the boys were ready to finally put him to work. Lumbago or no Lumbago, the old coot was helping them. 

The three started out alone, of course, while Uncle excused himself for a while. They knew he was either off to take a shit or to drink until he passed out. No matter what they did or said to the man, he always had an excuse. 


Over the span of three weeks, they worked non-stop building the walls and laying the floors, sectioning off rooms and then the stone fireplace. It would be the center of the home, a very important structure indeed.

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