The Past and New Beginnings III

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Lorna was startled awake as a clap of thunder shook the entirety of their small cottage. The pitter patter of small feet were instant, followed by two small figures climbing on the bed.

Lily nearly knocked the wind out of Arthur, as William curled in a ball next to Lorna's side.

"You okay?" Lorna asked.

"Yeah." Arthur replied, his voice cracking.

Lily was always a little rougher than she should be and poor Arthur had to be on the receiving end this time. William on the other hand, was gentle and calm.

"I don't know if I'll ever get feeling back."

Lorna yawned."Oh, don't be so dramatic."

"You try gettin' hit in the ba - uh, where the sun don't shine."

"I think you're forgetting that I had two humans come out of me."

Arthur grumbled as he rolled on his back. Lily curled into his side, her fingers gripping tight on his night shirt. He remembered when he was once afraid of thunder and the dark, now he enjoyed them more than the average person should.

"You still afraid of thunder?" He whispered.

"Hm, no not really. But sometimes it gets me."

Arthur wrapped an arm around Lily's frame, gently patting the small of her back. She hummed as she fell back to sleep, safely smooshed in between her mother, father and baby brother.

"I love it. I get upset when I can't enjoy one." 

Lorna smiled, though it was pointless in the dark."You were always like that and I could never understand."

"Some things ain't meant for understandin'."

"I know."

With another yawn, Lorna turned her head toward Arthur and closed her eyes. The rain created a faint drumming sound on the roof, as the thunder continued to rumble off in the distance. The lightening wasn't too bad though, which Lorna was grateful for.

"Ever think this was how our life would turn out?"

Lorna opened her eyes again and exhaled."No, but then again, I thought I was marrying Thomas. My whole view on marriage and children had a different outlook."

"You glad it's this life an' not that one?"

"Yes, don't be silly, Arthur.

He shook his head with a yawn."Good. Can't imagine this ride with nobody else."


"Night Darlin'."

They fell into a deep sleep, as the storm drifted further away. The lightening still continued, but it was very few and far in between.

The children, Arthur and Lorna were blissfully and peacefully unaware that night. 


Hours later, Arthur woke to some noises that he wasn't familiar with. He peered out of the window just above their bed and saw a handful of men running around the barn.

He cursed and slowly slid out from underneath the covers, dropping to his aging knees. 

He pulled out the arsenal he kept under lock and key. They decided it was best to not carry, hoping it'd lessen the suspicion. But they never agreed to get rid of their weapons and Arthur was grateful that he didn't. 


"Shh." Arthur put his finger up to his lips.

Lorna lowered her voice."What are you doing down there?" 

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