Some days are harder than others

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Arthur could feel it in his bones, every time he ran with the gang pulling stupid stunts, usually by the hands of Dutch. He'd feel too old, too silly - it just became so damn dangerous anymore. Before the gangs only targeted the people they wanted to hurt, but now they we're targeting the people they loved to get to them.

Dutch promised they just needed one more take, one more robbery and they could throw away the life. But it always became just one more, and it was never enough for Dutch.

It was more than enough for Arthur, maybe too much. He had some money, enough to survive for a few months, but not enough to last a lifetime. Who was he joking though, this life wouldn't last a lifetime.

He sat up and rubbed his eyes, clearing his throat. It was another burning hot day, the locust's and gnats were out early, frustrating him right off the bat.

He walked over to the water basin and splashed some cold water on his face to cool off. He dried his face with a dirty towel and put his hat back on.

"Goodmorning Arthur." Sadie greeted.

"Mornin'." He replied.

"That new girl is a mighty good asset, she's taken over my job choppin' vegetables."

He smirked."Hope Pearson ain't workin' her too hard."

"I dont care, just as long as he's off my back." She mumbled, walking down to the lake.

Arthur shook his head. He walked over to Lorna who was chopping vegetables, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it; Lorna looked up and brushed her hair behind her ear.

"Hey." She smiled

Arthur took a drag off his cigarette."I see Pearsons already has ya workin'?"

She chuckled with a nod."Yeah, I kind of made the mistake of saying I liked to cook."

He laughed and looked down at his cigarette burning between his two fingers.

"Sounds like'im." He shook his head."...So you liking it here, honestly?"

"I like it." She replied quickly."Its good to be apart of something for once."

He nodded."Well I'm glad to hear it."

"Arthur." Hosea chimed in.

Arthur turned to him, Hosea put his arm around his shoulders, leading him away. Arthur looked over his shoulder."I'll see ya later, Miss."

She smiled and continued chopping vegetables.

"What do you need Hosea?" He asked clearly irritated

"Dutch...he's acting a bit strange."

"And you're just now realizing that?"

Hosea chuckled."No, but even more than usual. He's....talking to himself. Saying all kinds of things about you, me, Anabelle - almost like his life is flashing before his eyes."

Arthur raised a brow."You sure have a funny way of puttin' things."

"It's the only way I know how."

He sighed and gripped his belt."Well what do you want me to do?"

"Just keep an eye on him, your tent is next to his. Make sure he doesn' anything."

"Like what?"

Hosea shrugged."Anything unusual."

"This is Dutch we're talkin' about, everything he does is unusual."

Hosea stood up and patted Arthur on the shoulder."Just keep your eyes open, Arthur."

"I'll do my best."

The Last Love Of Arthur MorganWhere stories live. Discover now