Baek Jiheon (Fromis_9)

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in the name of love|fluff

(you could also listen to the song, the idea came from it lol it's very cute)

♡(> ਊ <)♡

"oh! there's y/n!" jiheon, carrying bags of chips ran over to a girl with short hair, who was busy watching the entrance of the school. this girl y/n, was one of the person jiheon looked up to, she was kind, quiet, smart, funny (unintentionally), she makes jiheon's day better. being the school's student council president, y/n is in the job to take a look of the entrance for the school festival, she's really into the job and even brought her own walky talky.

"y/n!" with the familiar soft voice ringing through her ears, y/n raised her brows and faced the direction where jiheon came from. "jiheon..." a very soft voice called out for jiheon. jiheon being almost at the average height of any highschool girls, towers over y/n, since she's not that tall, also not so short, just a few centimeters smaller than jiheon.

jiheon smiles widely like how she always does, reaching out a pack of chips to y/n sweetly, y/n glanced over the food, a hum escaping her lips, she always has this kinds of response, and it never felt weird for jiheon, it was enough.

y/n was never a expressive person, always having the stone but not so stern look on her face, it was a softer one, her lips never curls up in a smile, her voice range doesn't change, it's always the same.

she's a bit blunt, she never hesitates to say a word in her head, which makes her more fun, she likes magic too, and she enjoys singing.

y/n is special to jiheon, she's the only girl jiheon genuinely liked, and even though her chances were small, she was determined to make y/n hers.

"chips for you y/n." jiheon chimed, as she watches the latter take the pack and slowly, looked up at jiheon. "thank you jiheon..." even though jiheon didn't know, y/n liked the feeling of jiheon caring for her, with small gestures, words, and things she does for y/n.

it makes y/n heart flutter, and y/n doesn't know what it is, but she likes the feeling only jiheon can give, she wants to make jiheon feel the same, but it wasn't easy, for y/n hasn't found out what the feeling was supposed to be, it wasn't familiar.

"l/n! hey are you okay there? maybe we should go and take your job first?" one of the student council members asked, jiheon immediately looked down to y/n before y/n gave them a nod and held the chips and walky talky in her hands, gesturing to jiheon.

"we should go around together." jiheon nodded, before catching up to y/n, it was hard to express with words, so jiheon tries to make y/n feel loved by expressions, actions. jiheon doesn't hope for anything but for y/n to feel it.

y/n opens the bag of chips, slowly munching. cute. jiheon thought as she watches y/n, the whole school was crowded and loud and jiheon did not have any idea where y/n was taking her, but she didn't care.

y/n's heart was beating fast, her face is hot, yet she didn't notice it, it was peculiar, a feeling she has never felt before, but it felt welcoming.

the both of them stops at the back of the school where no one stays at, just chilling together and breathing the same fresh air. chance. jiheon thought and glanced at y/n, this might be the time.

jiheon closed her eyes and breath heavily, her face red and heart beating fast where she feels like y/n could hear it.

"hey y/n." trying not to shake and stutter jiheon smiled at y/n. y/n stared at jiheon, her face blushing yet she was expressionless.

"what?" y/n asked, the only thing she can hear was her heartbeat, the butterflies in her stomach and the silence between the two of them.

"y-y/n, i like you." jiheon paused, looking away. "no i meant, i love you and i want to treasure you." with those words, a surprised y/n had her mouth agape, her cheeks pink.

y/n looked down to her feet.

what is this? y/n asked herself. love? it felt unfamiliar, it was unknown, but it felt warm. jiheon was staring at y/n as y/n's mind wander off.

what do i feel? y/n asked herself again. if this was love, how is she suppose to show it? how will jiheon feel it? how will she express it? it was confusing.

but what y/n feels was that jiheon matters to her.

and she wants to stay with jiheon.

y/n looks up at a nervous jiheon, her index finger pointing at jiheon.

"you... i love you too... but i don't know how to express it." y/n declared, jiheon's face turns red.

"what? really?!"

"how will you know? how will i let you feel it?" y/n asked.

"i can feel it." with that jiheon held y/n's hands and smiled.

"i will feel it and i will let you feel it too."

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