Kriesha Chu (SOLOIST)

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Genre: angst with a fluff

Requested: nope

Warnings: this is just cute and sad + I just love her so I just have to, this is long oof.

Title: You


"So what now?" Kriesha asked, eyes looking at all kids playing around the park, their parents watching them. You shrugged, looking at her, lips pursed in a thin line, not knowing what to do next, the sky was now orange, close to being pitch black, kids slowly disappear and the both of you still stayed there, doing exactly nothing. These days has been rough, Kriesha has been acting weird, when hanging out, she use to act tough, lips in a frown, she never did that before, but what was pushing her to act like that?

That wouldn't be happening if you haven't met this guy, he was nice and all, you thought that you were starting to like him, bad thing is that, Kriesha likes the guy too, that made her act like that. Today, you were about to tell her about it, but you can't-- something was weird, and you still haven't figure it out.

Of course Kriesha felt the same, she was sure she likes the guy, he was everything Kriesha wanted, but the weird thing is the way the guy make her feel wasn't absolutely the same as how you make her feel, you make her feel like she was in paradise, she falls in deeper into you without knowing, she likes you without a reason, but she kept pushing herself to the guy, and that made you do the same.

The both of you didn't know you exactly like each other.

Kriesha sighs, hands folding in a fist. "I like him." Kriesha admitted, looking at you, while you kept a straight face and looked at the park, not paying attention to her. Kriesha became frustrated, she held the box of chocolate you gave her, and stood up angrily, catching your attention. "I said I like him!" Kriesha stated, glaring at you.

You looked down and scratched your head, you didn't know why you're hurt, is it because you knew she likes the guy you also like, or is it because you don't want her away. "I know you like him too." Kriesha stated, looking down at you, her lips in a deep frown. She was growing frustrated, is it because she doesn't want the guy she likes to be yours or she wants you to notice her badly.

"Answer m--" Kriesha stopped when you stood up, looking back at her, she hates it but you look really pretty at night, her heart skips a beat, making her flush, she tried to keep a strong face to hide it but her heart says otherwise. "Yeah, I like him too." You stated, looking at her eyes straightly. Kriesha frowned.

Kriesha then walked towards you and pushed the box on her hands to you, making you catch it. She then walked away, you watched her as she stride away, her figure getting smaller and smaller as it disappear.

You realized it, you love her, only her.

You threw the box and ran for her, your feet telling you to go faster for her. You saw her, standing in the side walk, waiting for a cab, you approached her and took her wrist, making her face you.

Kriesha tried to pull her hand from you, but you held it tighter and looked at her. "What do you want?!" She asked, glaring at you, but her heart skips faster, butterflies in her stomach, she felt giddy.

"I like him," You stated, panting but kept standing straight, you pulled her close to you, face to face.

"But I love you."

Kriesha's face heats up, her heart beats faster. "What?" Kriesha asked, looking at you. "I said I love you." You repeated, then held her cheeks, only focusing at her.

Kriesha smiled sweetly. "I love you too."

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