Ikema Ruan (GP999)

645 47 12

| one month

[this is like the same oneshot but with a different pov]

as soon as y/n enters their house she was greeted with her family in the same table, gathered around like they were in an important meeting.

y/n looked over them, confusion plastered on her face as she slowly brought down her bag, fixed her uniform.

"y/n-chan." yurina called out to her, smiling brightly as if she was trying to invite her to come,

and y/n did.

the atmosphere felt heavy, as if it was a weight to be carried on her shoulders.

she felt tensed.

yet she tried not to show it, her face a mask as she sat down beside her older sister, who beamed another smile at her.

"finally, you're home from school." mr. kawaguchi greeted, a happy smile plastered on his face as he looked at his daughter.

"how was school today?" he continued, hands clasped together, as he asked.

it was new,

he never really ask anything about y/n's life before, so she wondered what could it be her father wants that made him be this... affectionate.

y/n looked at everyone, before hesitantly opening her mouth to answer.

"it was good, as always." she answered, hoping it was in all honesty.

because she doesn't know, why would her father be interested in asking how his daughter is doing studying in a music academy?

he is a business man after all.

"great— that is very good to hear." even when she was assured that her father was absolutely in a good jolly mood.

everyone are smiling at her.

y/n felt so uneasy.

"what is it you would like to tell me?" y/n asked, unintentionally fiddling with the hem of her skirt out of anxiety.

she felt a tap on her shoulder, looking beside her, she saw her older sister, yurina smiled gently at her and muttered.

"don't be nervous."

so y/n tried not to be nervous.

it is hard.

"right, i'll go straight to the point." mr. kawaguchi cleared his throat as he sat properly in his chair and adjusted his clothes.

"i would want you to meet ikema ruan." he stated, lips curving into a smile as he stared right into his daughter's eyes.


y/n looked confused, for some reason she couldn't catch up, at all.

"who is that?" she asked, low as if it was a whisper.

but her father nodded. "ikema ruan is a very nice girl, funny, happy, kind, has a good head on her shoulders coupled with a good heart, y/n don't you think it'll be great if you choose her to be with you..." he paused as he noticed the squinting of his daughter's eyes, pupils filled with curiosity.

"in an exclusive relationship?" mr. kawaguchi continued. he was fascinated to see the confusion in his daughter's face.

y/n looked at everyone, before glancing back at her father.

"what do you mean by that father?" she asked, visibly frustrated.

"what father meant is that, would you want to marry ikema ruan as soon as you meet her?" yurina explained, her words handpicked very carefully so it wouldn't affect y/n.

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