Myung Hyungseo (MTG)

733 25 16

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"what are you doing? you've been on that for almost 1 and a half hour!" y/n complained, leaning on her arms to her desk, her face moving closer to the camera. hyungseo laughs, her eyes shifted up to her screen, watching as her lover pouts, keeping an eye of her from the other side of the screen, she's been seating there since they started their video call 1 hour ago, hyungseo asked if she wants to end the call but y/n refused until hyungseo had finished her schoolworks.

"it's saturday today!" y/n yelled, slumping down on her chair, glaring at the screen, hyungseo shook her head, looking down back at her paper. "i told you you can hang up if you want, i won't finish this as soon as possible, you'll have to wait." hyungseo stated, eyes still fixated to her papers as she continued to write down things in her notes.

y/n groaned, looking up at her clock to see that it's already 5pm, they started the call at like 3:49pm, and waiting for hyungseo to finish isn't the problem, she can wait or even watch hyungseo for one day, even forever! but having to endure the fact hyungseo isn't giving her any attention is the hard part, they were supposed to be talking about their week, talking about things and just— y'know?

it's not that easy, they don't live near each other, it's not like they're far from each other, it's just y/n would still have to go ride a train and a bus to get to hyungseo's dorm.

hyungseo is an outgoing person, she's social and easygoing, talks to people with no problem, she's more open. y/n isn't, she only speaks a lot with hyungseo and often doesn't really communicate, yet y/n likes to visit hyungseo in her dorm and initiate most of their conversation, when they hangout together.

y/n is always inside her own dorm, she never gets out until it's needed, stuck inside her room and always fixated to her laptop, she often forgets the most important things in her life that hyungseo often reminds her.

y/n taps her fingers on her desk, her chin resting on her palms as she watch hyungseo do her thing, patiently waiting, it's to the point she doesn't even know what hyungseo is actually doing, she's just staring on thin air.

"y/n?" hyungseo called, y/n blinks her eyes, trying to find her focus to her sight and it landed on hyungseo, who is looking at her confused. "are you sleepy?" hyungseo asked, the girl closed most of her textbooks and notes, placing most of her things to her bags.

y/n confused, looked up to her clock again to see that it's almost 7pm, which means she's been spacing out and sleeping for a good 2 hours or less, y/n moved her chair, scratching her nape.

"sorry, i lost my focus. are you finished?" y/n asked, watching as hyungseo finished cleaning her table sat back on her chair, leaning on her own desk. "yeah, i think you should sleep already, you look tired. have you finished your homeworks?" hyungseo asked, y/n taps her chin, she did have some homeworks left unfinished— but she planned on finishing it tomorrow so...

"you have some unfinished right?" seems like hyungseo has read through her mind, y/n scratched her nape once again as she winced. "yeah, but i planned on finishing them tomorrow, so don't worry. i want to talk to you today." y/n stated, frowning, looking everywhere else but to her screen where hyungseo is watching her with a small concerned smile.

"you know i can help you with them right?" hyungseo asked, tilting her head as she stared at y/n.

the other girl stared back at her, thinking.

"but the reason i didn't do them today was so i can hangout or talk with you and something..." y/n replied, once again defeated, she slumped on her swivel chair, her mouth open wide as she groaned in frustration.

hyungseo laughed, placing her chin on her palms, amused. "if we did our homeworks together we could've used tomorrow to hangout right?" hyungseo giggled as she sees y/n slump deeper with a sigh.

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