Huening Bahiyyih (Kep1er)

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| close as strangers

"hiyyih! come on let's go!" yeseo yelled from the other side of the hallway as she slung her bag on her shoulders watching as bahiyyih looked back to their classroom and back to yeseo, pulling out an apologetic smile. "uhm, can you wait for me for a bit, i forgot something inside our classroom." bahiyyih stated, before moving ahead to their classroom, leaving yeseo standing alone in the middle of the hallway.

bahiyyih opened the sliding door, entering inside and looking at her desk to look for a textbook she had forgotten. looking underneath the wooden desk, she slid her hand to reach for the textbook, her first attempt being successful.

bahiyyih shrieked in surprise as she heard the door open, she looked back and saw a person in the doorway, back turned to her as they close the other sliding door before facing bahiyyih.

y/n stood there, stiff as she makes an eye contact with bahiyyih, seeing the girl straighten her posture with a textbook on her hand.

"oh, hey i didn't notice you there." y/n stated, her gaze falling somewhere else, the gesture made bahiyyih's stomach flip, there was no reason for y/n to be uncomfortable with her really, and it kinda hurt y/n can't bear looking at her.

is there something wrong with her? bahiyyih asked herself.

y/n once again looked up, meeting bahiyyih's pair of eyes before gulping and opening the door.

"uh, yeah, sorry for closing the door." she stated, pushing the sliding door open as she moved aside to make way for bahiyyih.

bahiyyih stared at her, the book in her hands, looking for words to say but thoughts occupied her mind afraid she'll throw y/n off.

so she sighed and shook her head. "er, no. it's okay, i just got back to get my textbook." bahiyyih replied, hesitating to do something yet she stepped further and took a deep breath before moving along and leaving the room.

y/n stood there, holding on the door, watching as bahiyyih took her way and left, her presence turns into a small dot each step she takes farther away.

time's wasted, each day y/n ignores her feelings for bahiyyih the stronger she feels for the latter and she's slowly losing her chance without her realizing it- that every single day bahiyyih gets farther away from her.

in almost thousand faces she's seen, bahiyyih was the first she's cared for, but slowly, she's losing her in those thousand faces too.

y/n ignores the sharp pain in her chest as she faced away from the hallway and closed the door of the room again, getting into her assigned work to clean the room.


seo y/n

january 2022.

do we have upcoming quiz

sorry for bothering you,
i was sick today and had
to absent.

it's cool.

and no, we don't have
upcoming quizzes tomorrow.

ooh, okay. thanks.

no problem.

bahiyyih stares at her phone, laying on her bed as she reads through the messages she shared with y/n and now she realized something- she was never close to y/n and was nothing to her other than a classmate (to her that's the case).

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