Kim Minji (NEWJEANS)

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| take care, my minji...

note: tw! mentions of abuse! sexual assault! violence!

"how about you minji? what do you want to be when we grow up?" y/n whispered against minji's ears, her upper-body leaning on minji's sturdy shoulders as the older girl carried y/n on her back, with minji's hands resting on y/n's thighs. minji's eyes trailed over the rocky path, they were inside a forestry of a known university in their city, observing plants and trees and walking over trails and paths that led them to almost nowhere in particular.

minji had nothing in mind, only focusing on the weight behind her that seemed to not even bother her even after how long they've been walking.

minji herself insisted that she should carry y/n in a piggyback ride to exit the woods.

"i don't know yet." minji muttered, her voice is low as they walked, showing no signs of tiredness on her body and voice. they continued to venture through the woods, passing by huge trees and rocks, bushes and cliffs that lead down to huge pile of dead leaves.

y/n held minji tightly, scared minji might feel like she was too heavy and get tired. though, that's not the case, y/n was like underweight due to how less she eats in a day.

"does y/n still dream of becoming an idol?" minji asked, her shoes stepping into small pieces of rocks and dust, creating sounds that echoed in the empty forest. minji thought she never cared about it, but the more she acted nonchalant, the more she remembered every details of y/n that she refused to remember.

it was when they were in elementary, y/n had said she's been wanting to become an idol when she grows up.

years have passed that dream was nothing but just a mere dream of a child, y/n was suffering inside the confines of what people called "home", there was no security and no comfort in their house, just pain and sufferings.

her mother lashed on her everyday ever since y/n's father left.

the pure and innocent y/n was now reduced to nothing but a broken glass, a stained one too, and minji was trying to pick her up but putting her back to pieces was gonna be hard; impossible even.

"i don't want to anymore," y/n muttered, eyes staring at minji's face, the light seeping through the cacophony of trees fell on minji's soft features. y/n smiled and continued. "i just want to be with you forever." y/n whispered.

minji smiled bitterly at the statement, though it's an innocent promise of some sort, anyone knew it wasn't ever gonna happen, with them being both nothing but broken, there was in no way they'll be fixed.

minji loved y/n, at least she thinks she does.

whenever she's happy with her, sad, upset or just mad because y/n can be stupid sometimes.

but can anyone blame her? it's not like y/n did that to herself, she was never given a happy life because y/n's mother was bitter woman, hated seeing her daughter turn into what she wanted to be— to the point she'll destroy anything that made her daughter happy.

whenever she'd meet y/n with bruises, minji couldn't do anything about it.

whenever she tried to smile with a broken tooth, her eye surrounded by a bruise whenever it turns into a crescent shape, or when she's covered with bandages; limping her way towards minji.

this is why minji had been used to giving y/n a piggyback ride, the girl couldn't carry herself on her own two feet to save her life.

sometimes, minji is guilty, she'd think y/n is useless.

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