Lee Chaeryeong (ITZY)

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Genre: fluff!

Requested: nope

Warnings: i'm telling you this is long!

Title: Sunny day.


"So what are we going to do now?" Chaeryeong asked, looking at you, while she was sitting in the bench. School got cut, and you two weren't able to do the plans the two of you planned; going at the swimming field of the school and staying in, or even staying at the library. It was sad, but Chaeryeong didn't plan of seperating ways with you. "Stay at our house." You sat up and looked at her, brows rising, a smile on your face.

"What? Really?" Chaeryeong stood up and stared at you, eyes lighting up in joy. You nodded, hands in front of her face. "Yeah, yeah. I don't mind, my parents are not home." You stated, smiling arrogantly at her, you look away, and looked up, the sun almost got you blind. "Sure. Let's go." Chaeryeong pulled your hand and started to take you in your own house, she already knew where cause she always have been a fan of your family.

You both entered inside, leaving the both of your shoes outside, you walked carefully inside the kitchen to get juice and snacks. Chaeryeong have always the one who visited you in your house, but the thrill of entering inside your house was still scary as ever. Chaeryeong looked around, once again, familiarizing the house, as she sat down in the couch, it was hot and her sweat falls.

Chaeryeong sat down at the floor, where the small table was placed, placing her bag beside the small table as she wander her eyes around. Because of the temperature, Chaeryeong felt tired, laying at the floor, while her sweat falls of her face, she closed her eyes and tried to feel any coldness.

Then out of nowhere she felt a cold thing damped on her cheeks, she opened her eyes and sat up, hearing a laugh she looked beside her and saw you, holding a glass with cold juice in it, eyes turning crescent, laughing out loud at Chaeryeong's action.

"(Y/n)!" Chaeryeong glared playfully at you, with a pout on her face. You stopped laughing and looked at her, seeing her rubbing her cheeks. "Sorry Chaer, but I really have to! You were sleeping peacefully and you just look cute." You stated and placed the snacks and glasses of juice in the small table.

"Oh, we should continue studying." You reminded her, as you crouched towards your bag and reached for your books and notes, Chaeryeong watches you, your back facing her. She grinned as a plan went to her head, like some ordinary devilness. Chaeryeong reached for the glass of juice, as she crouched quietly towards you, creating no sounds so you won't hear her.

Then suddenly, you felt something cold on your butt, that made you jump. "Yah!" You screamed and fell in your butt, with a loud thud. Chaeryeong's laugh booms, laying down while her hands were in her stomach supporting her laugh. "That was cute!" Chaeryeong laughed.

"Let's just study."

After some hours of studying, you stopped, gathering her attention. "What?" Chaeryeong asked, looking at you, you were fanning yourself because of how hot it is. "It's really hot." You stated and continued fanning yourself with your small hands. "Let's take a bath." You suggested; she agreed, since it was supposed to be your plans today (which was delayed because class was cut), both of you brought swimwear and it will suck if it was not gonna be used.

"Sure." Chaeryeong got her swimwear in her bag, as she nods and follows you in your bathroom. You turn your back to her, as you took of your uniform, along with her. The both of you entered inside the bathroom, opening the shower and the faucet as cold water comes out, the both of you sat in the bath thub, facing each other.

"This is great!" Chaeryeong cheered, smiling. "Yeah." You muttered.

"You know how to swim?" Chaeryeong asked, as she had her brows, with all your chest, you nodded, as your feet starts swaying with your hands, splashing waters to her. Chaeryeong giggles, using her arms as a sheild. "Hey! (Y/n) stop." You giggle and stopped.

The both of you settled down, laughs dying down. Chaeryeong stares at you, with you doing the same.

"Hey (Y/n)." Chaeryeong called out to you, you raised your brows, humming.

Then Chaeryeong leaned into you, coming for your lips, you leaned back, both of your soft lips connecting.

"I had fun." Chaeryeong stated, smiling at you, while she held you tight. "Yeah me too." You nodded and snuggled into her neck, smiling. Tiring but fun, that's how you will describe the day you had today, after taking a bath to cool down, the both of you settled down, cuddling.

It was fun and tiring, wish this will stay forever.

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