Pham Hanni (NEWJEANS)

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|the one

hanni's eyes looked around the room, for any signs of a girl she had grown familiar with over the past few years. today, a party held by their school is on going, it's a party for the graduated high school students which hanni turned out to be one. hanni was torn between social events like this, she'd love having fun with close friends but the constant need to socialize was tearing her down most of the time. there were a lot of students than she remembered, hanni was surrounded by almost all unfamiliar faces in the middle of the dance floor where she stands alone.

tip-toeing, the girl really tried her best to get a view of an exit out of the sea of crowd, after spotting one, she took her chance and dashed out of the dance floor; eventually finding herself in the tables. hanni sighed, a flash of relief waved inside her heart, being able to breath once again after a while. there were reeking smell of alcohol mixed with different perfumes that made hanni feel sick and nauseous; along with the roaring sounds from the people and the gigantic speakers around the venue.

hanni made her way out of the lines of tables, without a single thought she entered inside the restroom. it was empty, the music blasting even through the walls.

thank goodness. even though the air wasn't as fresh as the air outside their school, it's still better than the air in the party, it made her sick.

hanni walked in the row of sinks, finding a faucet, immediately washing her hands and splashing her face with some water, her eyes looked up to the mirror to see her face.

her reflection showed her wet bangs sticking on her forehead, the water dripping in her chin. hanni took wet wipes on her bag and started wiping her face, taking off the excess make-up lingering in her skin. she's tired, somehow she's only been here for an hour but she's already torn apart. after almost ten wipes, she threw all of them in the trashcan, looking back at the mirror to see her face bare, hanni sighed.

dumb, dumb. the thoughts circled around her.

hanni planned to stay in the restroom until the party's over, there was no point in staying out there, no point on forcing herself to fit in and then just embarrassing herself afterwards.

the door opens to someone on a phone call, hanni wasn't able to see their face from the mirror as they had their head turned around faced the other direction, hanni looked down on the sink instead; reaching for the faucet to wash her hands again.

"sorry, i swear this is the last time i'm saying it." hanni stopped when she heard the familiar voice, hanni tried to peek at the mirror to see the person's face; feeling her stomach flip upsidedown when she saw y/n. hanni took a sharp breath before entering one of the stalls, the urge to run was inside of her but she needed to wait for the perfect timing to do so.

after locking the stall, hanni stood there, trying to eavesdrop instead.

"i'm already admitting that i was wrong, i never meant to make you feel that way— it's just that... i didn't realize it sooner." y/n continued to talk, the call wasn't on speaker, so hanni could only hear a fraction of the conversation; most were from y/n's side. "i'm really sorry, it's not like i purposely played with your feelings. i tried really i did— but it's just not working!" after y/n spoke, there was complete silence, it seemed like the phone call ended; suddenly the door opened once again and footsteps where heard.

thinking y/n might have left, hanni tried to open the door and—

"y/n you are such an—" hanni opened the door and stepped out, only to realize that she had the wrong timing. standing between y/n and her (ex) girlfriend, hanni wished that the ground beneath her rises and then swallows her down, just to escape the current situation she is in. hanni desperately tried to look at y/n's girlfriend, only to receive a glare, hanni winced and looked at y/n— whose expression seemed nonchalant, if hanni was in this situation she would've ran away from fear.

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