Sakamoto Mashiro (Kep1er)

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| why won't you love me?

note: call me an "nft" bcs i have felt absolutely "no female touch" my whole life.

putting her phone on airplane mode, y/n sets it down the lacquer table, rubbing her forehead as she leaned down the sofa, groaning in defeat, hoping nothing would bother her for the meantime as she tries to think about her life and all the things she wanted to happen while she and mashiro are not in good terms and she pretends everything's in order.

please be good til' i get back. y/n prays inside her head, as she took the glass on the table and took a sip on the alcohol, her throat burning warm as the liquid rolls of her tongue down to her stomach.

y/n presses her cheek against the cold glass, sighing deeply as her eyes stay half-lidded under the dim light of the living room.

for some reason, the ground her feet was stepping to felt like it was nowhere to be seen or felt anywhere, y/n felt like anytime soon if she moves away from the sofa she'll fall in the deepest depths of hell.

but she holds back the tears, closing her eyes as she breathes heavily with the cold breeze of the air inside the apartment.

"jesus christ." y/n muttered, opening her eyes a little before rolling it and leaning away from the glass, head lazily laying on the sofa. "mashiro..." she muttered, chuckling breathlessly, the picture of the certain girl running circles across her head before she muttered a small cry under her lips.

"i'm sorry." as if she was crazy, y/n continues to talk to herself, if not, then the girl in her head.

it was quiet, except for the sound of the fan just a few meters away from her, a drop of sweat fell off y/n's forehead, rolling down to her chin before the latter sat up properly and placed the glass on the table, taking her phone to check on mashiro, only to see her face on the lockscreen as if telling her that everything will be okay and she won't be lonely.

although, it probably isn't true.

she's drunk and still haven't properly apologized to the other woman, and she's quite sure a good slap on her face is deserved if she went on mashiro's apartment drunk.

"fucking hell." y/n scoffs.


it's 12am and y/n rings the doorbell of mashiro's apartment, tapping her shoes as she waited for an answer, for a short moment no one answered, and impatient, y/n rings the doorbell once again.

until the door opened and an unexpected person opened the door.

"y/n-unnie? are you looking for mashiro-unnie?" yeseo looked at y/n, confused yet seemingly known to the situation, y/n's stomach flipped as she looked away and sighed, scratching the back of her head and she took a peek inside the apartment before shifting her gaze back to the younger girl.

"where's mashiro?" she asked, raising her brows, yeseo looked back inside the apartment then faced y/n once again, shrugging. "i don't know, i just got here but she's not here yet." answered yeseo. y/n looked at her before nodding slowly.

"when do you think she'll comeback?" asked y/n once again, yeseo looked away for a bit to think before answering. "er... i don't know, maybe tomorrow, she's at work i think or with yurina-unnie celebrating something." yeseo replied, earning nods from y/n. "okay, thanks." said y/n, she faced away and started walking away from the apartment, hearing the door close.

y/n stops for a bit as she heard her phone rang and a call from xiaoting greets her as soon as she opens the phone, y/n answered the call, hearing the voice of a close friend.

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