Naoi Rei (IVE)

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| modern art

"hey, rei-chan are you good?" y/n giggles as she watches over her lover struggling with the clay in her hands. rei groans, trying to catch up with the spin of the wheel as her fingers wrap themselves around the neck of the pot, accidentally making it too tall for her liking.

rei stopped with the clay, looking up and meeting y/n eyes that sparkled even under the dim lights of the pottery studio.

"g-good, just struggling." rei sheepishly stated, her hands then frustratingly gathering the clay in her hands, trying to make a bowl as she failed with the attempt to make a pot.

rei didn't understand how this works, or what is suppose to be done, the only thing she knew is she had to do this, she wanted to do this.

because y/n believed that giving things made out of pottery is a sign of admiration and appreciation.

rei wanted to show something to that feeling, but she wasn't good at pottery.

and here she was, trying to make a bowl and ended up making the dent too deep to her own liking.

she heard y/n giggle.

"rei-chan, try making a mug." y/n suggested, her voice lazed with strawberry sweetness and softness in it, rei shook her head, laughing under her breath.

"no way, that's, too hard." she muttered out as she tried once again, not thinking giving up somehow.

"no, no, i meant the type of mug that we use for green teas, the one that looks like a glass... it is easy for me after all." y/n responded, too patient for rei who had been attempting a lot of times.

the one y/n is making is her third one actually, y/n stopped with her clay as she reached to the shelves filled with collections of pots, mugs, glass and more made from the pottery studio.

it doesn't look like y/n loves pottery, right?

she definitely does.

but rei doesn't understand why other than the reason y/n gave her, there must be something that she couldn't read through.

"here." y/n placed it somewhere near rei, showing how it is suppose to look like, to rei's dismay, it did look easy, easier than the ones she attempted.

maybe she underestimated the art of pottery.

after all, she only specializes herself with art in terms of drawing and painting.

pottery is what she despises, though she wouldn't admit it in front of y/n's face, she was way too good for that.

"okay, i'll try." rei coughs, once again trying for the fifth time if she recalls it.

with all her focus on the clay she didn't notice y/n moving away from hers and sitting in front of rei's wheel.

"there just like that." y/n smiles, to which rei was surprised and looked up to meet y/n's eyes.

"mind helping me?" rei inquired, matching her smile, her eyes turning crescent.

"uh huh! sure." y/n giggled and wrapped her hands a top of rei's helping her maneuver the move of the clay, their hands covered with mud as their skin made contact.

softly and gently, y/n's hands guided rei's hands with the dent of the mug, making sure it's not too deep or not to high for their liking, and there- it was perfect.

rei smiled, seeing the product of their work. and she eyed y/n at the same height. "thanks." rei muttered, y/n chuckled. "geez, rei-chan. do you want to make something yourself?" y/n asked, not leaving her position.

rei took out their work, placing it somewhere near the shelves before she took a piece of mud again.

but instead of making anything like before, she formed a human figure, with no distinct features other than a body.

"sometimes, i think about how i can't understand things like this." rei muttered, almost like a whisper as she showed the piece of clay.

"i grasp it well but couldn't see any distinct things in it, like you." rei looked at y/n.

"what does that mean?" y/n asked, her voice filled with curiosity, as she watched rei continue fiddling with the clay.

"it's just that, you as my girlfriend, i grasp you well, but sometimes i can't read through your expression and actions. and that's why i can't understand you." rei continued.

"and? is there something you want to say?" y/n inquired, her lips curved into a small smile, asking rei to keep going.

"whenever you tell me something, i can understand it since it came from you, but there are times i don't want to push you to speak, so i try to read you out but it just doesn't come inside me nor can i feel it, just like when i look at modern arts i grasp them but i can't see any distinct features on it nor feel them." y/n nodded as she listed well.

"that's why i'm always worried if i'm doing okay for you." rei mumbled. y/n smiled, heaving a short breath. "i get what you mean by that rei-chan, but you don't have to worry, anything you do is okay to me, and not just okay, good, even great. if you can't understand then you can ask, in the end it is i you will have to communicate with- to understand your lover, right?" y/n inquired, her voice sweet and caring.

rei nodded. "right, i get it now."

y/n laughed, and sighed. "sometimes you're intimidating." y/n muttered, rei hummed.

"i am?"

"yes, not sort of a bad thing, nor it is in a bad way- i just think you're really good at everything."

rei shook her head. "no, i suck at pottery."

y/n giggled. "it must be the only thing, i think you're good at being my girlfriend, i am very overwhelmed when you are with me."

"and so i am, i feel even better when i am with you." rei answered, y/n's cheeks flushed.

"that is great to know, it is only the thing i need to know. i hope we can communicate like this all the time, yeah?"

rei nodded, her movements short as she placed down the clay and held y/n's hands.


and rei was relieved, happy, or any other kind of feelings related to happiness, it was mixed into one that reads as love.

and she hoped it continues like this all the time.

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