Choi Yena (IZ*ONE)

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angst || YEAH RIGHT

you walk through the crowded mansion of one of your friends, as a huge loud noises emitted everywhere, from the loud speakers and from the people partying. and you, you're drunk, tripping at every steps you take, the place seems dimmed, but neon lights and party lights also were everywhere in the mansion, making it more hard for a drunk like you to walk and see clearly.

you don't care anymore, you don't give a fuck now, walking through the crowds while ruining you own life

cause she never even give a damn about you.

you smiled through the thought of yiren, the girl you have been liking for many years, the girl who you live for, but she never give a damn about you.

dizzy, you entered the bathroom, bumping at a person who just looked at you and left.

you're right,

you bet that she's never gonna be yours and you two are never gonna end up together.

but that's all good.

you put your hands to the sink, looking at the big mirror in front of you, seeing how you looked ruined now,

you're completely ruined.

you laughed it off, feeling the heaviness of your eyelids, you sighed and put your hands on your face, you never give a damn if you don't look nice now.

because it's all good and ruined.

she doesn't care if you die,

she'll not cry or even try.

but you don't mind.

it's alright.

yeah right.

the music from the living room of the huge, purple colors explode through the bathroom as neon signs were everywhere, you can see your reflection as the color radiates too.

is this what depression looks like?

you chuckled and took your hands off your face as you chuckled and open the faucet, splashing some water to your face, waking yourself up,

but it was still the same— you felt so heavy.

yena scanned through the halls of the large mansion, seeing too many strangers everywhere, some making out and some are— really disturbing.

yena wanted to see the girl she saw walking like she was limping, the girl who looked like she was a mess, a pretty mess actually— for yena.

the girl peaked yena's interest resulting for yena's seeking.

"where is she?" yena muttered as she kept looking.

"goddamn my body feels fucking heavy!" you shouted to yourself as you tried your best to stay still and stand up, holding to the faucet that is still running, your other hand on the sink.

getting more dizzy you stared off at your reflection.

"fuck my life, i'll just kill myself. she doesn't care if i die." you muttered through your hot breath as sweat run down you chin, feeling the hotness of being in the bathroom for too long.

yena saw the bathroom open from afar, looking everywhere, she managed to get there and enter inside, seeing the familiar figure facing the mirror.

"hey, you okay?" yena asked, closing the door. you didn't look back at the voice of the purpled hair girl, while facing the mirror.

yena faked cough, to get your attention.

"hi." she stated as she wave her hand, you eyes trailed at her reflection on the mirror, seeing her purple hair, and yeah she does see her face at the mirror too, so is yours.

"what?" due to being drunk, you couldn't response properly. yena looked down at the tiled floor and laughed a bit.

"i was worried uhh, are you okay?" yena asked, as she fiddle with her finger looking at your reflection on the mirror.

"no, i feel sick, i wanna die." you answered, honestly, while looking so calm, holding at the sink, yena noticed that the sink was almost filled by water and the water was spilling down your pants.

yet you let it be.

you knew she noticed it and immediately turned it off.

"maybe you're just too drunk." yena stated and taking a small step towards you.

you faced her, still having the same nonchalant look on your face as you walk a bit tipsy towards her, with her being a bit smaller than you, she looked up at you.

"yeah, i feel like my liver's gonna fucking die too." you answered.

out of nowhere, you pulled her for a tight hug.

yena hugged back without any hesitations.

maybe there's just one stranger who cares so much.

than no one ever did.

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