Sakamoto Mashiro (Kep1er)

844 22 4

| whose shoes are these?

"hey, i'm gonna be gone for two days straight, i'll be back and don't touch anything in my room! got it?" y/n walks off the wide hallway of their apartment, carrying her bags as she trudged to their living room while being followed by the second eldest, gaeul who nodded as she followed by. "yes, but it's kind of messy right now? are you not gonna let us clean it?" gaeul answered, as they stopped in the living room whilst the other sat, watched them talk. "okay, that's fine but- please don't touch anything for too long." y/n pleaded, looking at gaeul before the other girls who were seated on the couches. "two days is a little long, are you sure you're gonna be alright alone?" yujin asked, standing up with her arms crossed. y/n nodded and shook her hand. "of course, of course. i am the oldest, an adult and i have manager with me so i will be alright." y/n stated, before pointing a finger on her younger groupmates. "remember, no touching!" she reminded them once again like a bunch of puppies that are stubborn. hyunseo nodded and looked at jiwon and rei who also nodded yet the message just went past their other ear to exit the other ear. meanwhile wonyoung just nodded. y/n went outside with their and the girls were left with an awkward silence, looking at each other and trying to disseminate the message left to them. "i wonder... what's inside her room?" wonyoung asked, leaning on the couch, eyes looking at her members like she's purposely poking on the members' curiosity to check her room out. "is she hiding something?" rei asked, then came different questions or theories about whatever was inside the room, endless of creative or unbelievable ideas came like: is she hiding a robot? or perhaps there's something dangerous inside? yujin stood in the middle until she held her hand up and said. "everyone, silence please." to which the girls followed and went quiet.

"whatever is in her room, it's none of our business, that's why we assigned rooms based on our privacy didn't we?" yujin added, looking at the members. as the leader, it's her job to keep the rules and to make sure they are still followed by the members that no matter happen they'd stick to their principles. so the girls just nodded and shook the thought off of their heads.

in the other dorm, xiaoting had just finished taking the clothes off their drying rack and that includes socks and pairs underwear, nothing was particularly interesting, what she did was very common in their group, cleaning stuff and making sure their clothes are newly washed and had been dried off, they share these jobs to each other to ensure equality in the group and cleanliness. but one peculiar pair of socks had xiaoting rather... perplexed, as if she had never seen the pair at all until just now, being assigned to the clothes means xiaoting must study each one of those and learn who owns them, at this point she's familiar of everything but this pair of sock? who owns this?

xiaoting walked to their living room, holding the pair of socks and immediately called everyone's attention. "everyone! come out quick! i have a question." as her voice was clear and loud, everyone heard and went immediately out of every room and left their endeavours, xiaoting was facing the 8 girls, the pair of socks hidden behind her back, her face was stoic and everyone took note of that. "what's the matter ting?" choi yujin, their leader asked from behind one of the couches, looking at xiaoting and her very peculiar expression. "this is a serious matter, i need everyone to answer with all honesty and take things seriously." xiaoting stated, now everyone is nervous, whatever this was it has to be that serious. xiaoting raised the pair of socks for everyone to see and said. "who owns this pair of socks that i have never seen before?" she asked, the question was bombarded with different discussion among the girls, everyone did not know who owns the pair of socks nor have they ever seen it except for. "i own that!" mashiro answered, raising her hand, the co-leader of the group earned various stares from the younger girls as the whole place went quiet. "are you sure?" xiaoting brought the socks in front of her face and examined it. "but this pair look a little too big to be yours, this has to be owned by someone who is at least taller than all of us." xiaoting stated, causing mashiro to be alert yet with all her remaining calmness she shook her head. "actually, i got it from our house in japan when i visited our house during our concert. it's my dad's that i wore that night we went home." mashiro stated, smiling at her co-member who looked at it, there was an invisible sweat forming in her forehead as she felt the stare piercing her from in front. "okay, here you can have it." xiaoting gave it to mashiro who sighed mentally and muttered a small thanks before everyone retreated to their respective places.

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