Kim Minji (NEWJEANS)

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| flicker (or whatever that feeling you get kissing someone you just met)

"you're going home already minji?" with her back facing yujin, minji took a halt from her steps as she heard the older girl call her over, minji turned her head to look at yujin from her shoulder and saw a few of yujin's friends behind her. minji looked around the campus and shrugged. "i was about to yeah, why'd you ask?" minji spoke, hand wrapped around the strap of her bag, eyes watching every movement of yujin, every gesture she makes- trying to decipher the intentions lying under her gazes and words.

minji wonders if yujin knew anywhere else minji would go other than their house- minji wasn't the type to go somewhere else after school, straight home it is.

"why so early? it's only four in the afternoon, why not come hang out with us for a while?" yujin asked, smiling at minji. minji doesn't feel good about this, just by looking at the expectant expressions from yujin's friends she knew this wasn't a typical hang out or whatsoever, this is typical yeah amongst high school students but this isn't the kind of typical for minji.

"where? and it's very usual for me to go home as soon as possible, you know that right?" minji said, yujin sighed and rolled her eyes before walking right up to minji and slithering her arm on minji's shoulders. "blah blah blah... minji- loosen up a bit! i know you do and that's why i'm inviting you, i promise it's just around the block." yujin whispered, squeezing the blade of minji's shoulder.

minji knew it, there's a literal club near their school that wasn't familiar with the concept of checking ages of their customers.

"you know i'm gonna be dead if i come right?" minji said, looking at yujin in the eyes, the taller girl nodded and laughed. "i know i know... that's why i'm responsible with your safety! trust me, i'll get you home as soon as possible, with the very best i can. as soon as you're knocked out, you'll open your eyes and see your room." yujin pats minji's shoulder.

minji couldn't say no to it, she trusts yujin and she knew yujin would never throw her under the bus. but this is just way too risky, she's still in her uniform and anyone was to spot them, it's over for them.

"but yujin-! i'm still in my uniform!" minji spoke, but in return she received a mocking laugh. "minji, just change your clothes. i have a spare shirt here and i have the pants you left at home." minji peeks through her shoulder to see yujin's friends smiling at her, then back to yujin whose brows rised in expectancy.


minji sighed in defeat. "okay fine, just make sure i come back up alive and safe." yujin nodded and clapped her hands, earning cheers from friends and there was a toothy grin on her face.

"alright! of course i will trust me on that my friend! now, tell your mom you'll do some 'projects' with me. go on." yujin pokes minji's cheek as she gestures to her phone.

"okay fine, jesus christ."

as soon as they entered, loud music blasted through the walls, as of shaking the whole building down with every vibration on the surface. bright lights, lasers beamed through every corner of the club, almost blinding minji right on her eyes. the disgusting smell of alcohol reeks through the people around, no matter where she turned her head was a smell she hated.

and minji was sure it's gonna cling on her shirt any time soon.

they passed through groups of people, there was a breeze of cold air washing through the entire club, and paired with her warm body made minji feel uncomfortable, yujin's 3/4 shirt clinging into her skin.

minji wore a cap, just to make sure no one recognizes her, and it felt like every eye that fell on her was from someone she personally knew. minji also wore her baggy jeans paired with her worn out doc martens.

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