Lee Chaeyeon (IZ*ONE)

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fluff || MUTUAL

lee chaeyeon poked your shoulders, making you glance at her immediately, she raised her eye brows at you, before smiling at you widely. "hey, hangout later?" she asked, leaning on her desk, being in front of her, was fun, she was nice and all, she wouldn't budge when you ask for help, she would immediately do everything for you.

though, it seems a bit weird, you find it cool, nice and cute. the things she does for you wasn't that big deal, you do the same, because you felt like you needed to repay everything she does for you, you didn't know you felt like that, all you know is that you're friends with her.

"sure, why not?" you answered, smiling at her back, the classroom was full of chatters from your classmates, full of noises that you were unable to hear since you ears, whole body, was focused to chaeyeon and so was she.

"cool! can we like meet each other at the back of the school?" she asked you, looking like a puppy. you felt butterflies in your stomach, as cliche as it sounds, it was true, your face felt hot, and you never knew why you felt like this when you're with her.

you would have only realized this sooner if sakura doesn't like her.

"sure, i'd be there promise." you swore, it felt nice being around chaeyeon, even though it was risky, what if sakura thought of it in an other way?

would it break your friendship with her?

chaeyeon leaned on her seat, as soon as the teacher came inside the classroom with her normal greetings.


it was lunch, and you're itching to see your friends, sakura and hyewon.

you walked through the hallways, humming incoherently, a huge smile on your face, and everyone around you was seeing it, weirdly.

chaeyeon couldn't help a smile as soon as she saw how happy you are.

you sat at the usual table the three of you sits at, seeing hyewon eating alone, hyewon glanced at you with a confused look, her mouth full, then she goes for her normal stone like expressions.

"you look so hungry." you stated, before remembering to order your food.

"gosh." after you left to get your food, sakura came, with a sad look, before sitting down at her usual seat.

hyewon swallowed her food, looking at sakura with a confused look, hyewon was worried, confused, why was sakura acting like this.

sakura then face-palmed, sighing once again.

"what's wrong?" hyewon finally managed to say, even though she had a second thought, she never cared to anyone more than she did for sakura.

she likes sakura, a lot, and when i mean a lot, she'd do everything for sakura.

"i—i did something very stupid yesterday." sakura mumbled, looking down at her feet, you arrived exactly before sakura said that and sat at you seat besides hyewon.

"is it so stupid that you felt bad for it?" you asked, seeing her nod with a frown.

you sighed too, smiling at her sweetly.

"then what is it? maybe we can help you? me and hyewon are always willing to help kkura." you stated, seeing sakura look up at you with a smile, but then she frowned again.

"there's no wayyy we can turn it back! i already said what i said! even if i removed the message! she already saw it!" sakura exclaimed, putting her hands on her hair frustratingly.

"what message?" hyewon asked.

"chaeyeon did a lyric prank on me, i have never heard of that song so i thought she was telling the truth! i gave in and told her i like her for a long time!" sakura stated, slamming her head on the table creating a sound.

hyewon looked at her, surprised.

"what did she said?" hyewon asked again.

"she said 'sorry, it's lyric prank, i already like someone'." sakura answered, as soon as you heard that, you lost hope too.

"are you sure it's actually a lyric prank?" you asked, clutching on the table.

"yup, i searched the song and saw it, plus, i asked yujin and the others if they got pranked too, they said yes." sakura mumbled.

hyewon pats sakura's head slowly, smiling endearingly.

"it's okay." hyewon muttured.


the class was dismissed, and you knew chaeyeon was waiting for you at the back of the school.

now that you knew chaeyeon likes someone, you lost hope, chaeyeon was really, really just nice to everyone huh? she will never like you.

you walked down the hallway, then reaching the back of the school to see chaeyeon waiting there.

"hey chaeyeon." you greeted, then seeing her turn to you with a huge smile.

"hey! thanks for coming!" chaeyeon stated, trying to contain her smile that was growing wider and wider.

"did you made a lyruc prank for sakura?" you asked, looking at her. chaeyeon then dropped her smile and looked down, scratching her head.

"yeah, i didn't know she liked me." chaeyeon muttered, looking up at you again. "are you upset?" she asked.

you shook your head, smiled.

"i wasn't really expecting she'd be so sad because of it, she's sad cause you already like someone and that's not her." you muttered, looking down too, sighing.

"actually, i was suppose to tell you who is that person i like." chaeyeon said, making you look at her, nervous, you could feel your hands shaking.

"then who is it?" you can't help the shakiness in your voice, though you tried to contain it.

chaeyeon sighed then she scratched her head again and laughed.

"come on, (y/n) i like you, a lot,"

"no i mean, i love you.

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