Bae Jinsol (BAE) (NMIXX)

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| the musician's summer

note: no proof read we die like real men

"what am i going to do here again?" y/n asked herself as she stood in the edge of the sea cliff wooden bridge, watching the waves get stronger each seconds that past, wind blowing violently on her face, making her wince, disturbing her hair and her uniform as she closed her eyes and raised her arms to take cover. the sky was starting to get darker, it was already past 4pm and y/n still hasn't left ever since she got out of her new school, wearing the uniform from her old school.

as the wind stops from blowing, y/n placed her arms down, her blazer fluttering softly against her body— y/n opened her eyes to see the orange sky and watches as the sunsets.

it was beautiful and it made y/n sad, upset.

afraid that her life might change as she leaves everything behind to face a new world in a new place with no one to talk to.

why is adjusting to a new life so hard? why did she have to leave everything behind?

y/n doesn't know, one day she just found herself packing up things and moving away with her parents, and she woke up in a new room, new bed, isolated province in korea to start a new life but she stayed to be the same person, with a pursuit for music as she finds herself standing in the sea bridge platform, hoping to hear a sound from far away to inspire herself to keep striving better.

yet there was nothing but just the waves and empty noises.

y/n looked down on her uniform, her ribbon moving as the wind blows gently. somehow she managed to remember the one-piece swimsuit she wore inside her uniform, hoping to get to experience the sea of the province she now lives in and find the perfect melody for her next composition.

y/n took a heavy breath, placing her hands on her ribbon as she slowly took it off, followed by her blazer, placing them on her bag, before she started unbuttoning her dress shirt, revealing half of her one-piece swimsuit, reaching for her skirt, y/n took it off along with her shoes and socks, placing them besides her bag.

y/n once again stood in the same position, bravely puffing up her chest as she took a deep breath, ready to take the jump.

though, y/n didn't notice a bike stopping a few feet from her, as she took more breaths the person in the bike got off, leaving their bike unattended in the ground.

"hey! miss stop right there!" a whole loud voice of a girl called out to y/n, y/n faced behind her not noticing the sprinting tall figure towards her.

y/n shrieked, feeling a pair of warm hands on her arms. "argh! your hands get off me!" y/n fought back, panic written on her face as she pushed the girl away.

"it's dangerous there!" the girl retorted, y/n stepped back away from the girl, her feet losing it's balance as she stepped on the edge of the bridge, hands reached for the stranger's wrist, pulling them down together in the ocean.

both of them fell in the sea, a big splash erupted as their weights sank down the water, y/n's hands still holding the girl's wrist.

the stranger reached for y/n and pulled her closer, swimming away from the waves, eventually the both of them reached the shore.

y/n pulled away from the girl as she placed her hands on the sand, trying to catch her breath from the sudden shock of falling into the water. a loud sound ringing on her ears.

"are you okay?" asked the girl who walked towards her and stretched out her hand to offer help.

y/n stared at hand extended to her and to the person, blinking like an idiot before she reached for the hand and stood up, the cold breeze of the air left y/n shivering, wrapping her arms on herself, her eyes glued to the ground.

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