Yoon Jia (GP999)

976 36 8

| i bet on losing dogs


my baby, my baby, my baby.....

yoon jia was eliminated.

y/n felt sad to hear it, she's been the first person to root for her even before everything started, she had no doubts and bet her everything because she trusted jia so much, and wanted jia to get what she really deserved, but maybe it might not be the right moment for her.

but that moment, before y/n knew, she's betting her all even when she knew and saw what was bound to happen, she acted blind, because she was scared jia would know and think she doubted her.

i never doubted you.

from the day we met, from the day we talked, from the day you told me about your dreams, from the day you left me to achieve your dreams, from that day you were happy with another person.

y/n never doubted jia.

and maybe, it was just her, but no matter what happens, if jia comes back with a frown, tears or a smile— y/n hopes jia knows she's proud. jia was quiet, lonesome, brave, talented and a little scary, there might be those times y/n felt like she wasn't needed, but she never backed away, because she always wanted to be there.

y/n bets, jia must be disappointed to herself, but she hopes jia knows she wasn't, she always watched jia with all happiness, always had her eyes on her, voted, supported, yelled her name, jumped for her.

y/n acted blind, everyone was so convinced jia wouldn't make it, but because she didn't care not wanted to care, she closed her eyes and ears, as she bets everything she had on losing dogs, even when she knows what place it might take her— no i don't care, if that's the only way i could prove my love for her.

"i auditioned for girls planet 999." from the day jia stated those words with pride, huffed chest, glinting eyes and furrowed brows— y/n was scared her heart sank, but she laughed, smiled and jumped, mumbling good lucks and cheers for jia.

it must have been hard for y/n, it was selfish, to ever think of being scared jia might make it and leave her behind— what if jia makes it and she wouldn't need me anymore?

that selfish thought ate y/n alive for so many days, there was guilt, sadness, but she ignored all of those for the sake of being a good friend and a good admirer— because what if jia doesn't feel the same?

y/n wished jia would be able to hold onto her feelings, because y/n actually gave up wishing for jia when she knew she had no chances.

when she saw jia's performance— she was happy, cheered for her, she watched and watched just to be able to see a glimpse of jia even in a small seconds.

she dedicated everything because she bet jia would make it— when jia lost in the first mission, y/n was sad, but she was happy her dedication made jia survive the first elimination.

the second mission she sees jia struggling a bit, but she had faith on her as she cheered and saw it with her two eyes how jia's team won.

and now she's just waiting to see jia— but she doesn't know what will happen, y/n was scared, afraid and didn't know how to approach jia after the elimination. jia must be upset, and knowing that, y/n was scared she might be a big burden.

i know you worked hard,

everybody knows it.

i love to see you enjoying yourself and being happy,

i want you to be proud of yourself,

because i am proud of you.

just as many people are.

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