Shin Yuna (ITZY)

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fluff || AS YOU ARE

YUNA beams, holding her camera as her eyes trailed over the large crowd of students walking around in every booths, it's sure is fun being a photographer of the Journalism Club, she does have a big role of taking pictures for the news paper of their school and she also wants to impress someone with her impeccable skills in photography; no other than (l/n) (y/n), the cartoonist/editorial of the club. (y/n) is so smart but doesn't take it for granted, she gives off the best opinions, can draw, she has so much stored in her brain, but she wasn't a sporty type and energetic, she likes to laze around sometimes, and that amazes yuna + (y/n) is pretty too.

"i, shin yuna, will take the best shots for today's festival! i will amaze (y/n) with my skills!" yuna stated to herself and started giggling happily at the thought of (y/n) praising her work. "i don't think so." someone, from her same class popped out suddenly with a shocking phrase. yuna shreaked as she saw who it was; ahn yujin.

"yujin! what was that?!" yuna asked taking a step back from the girl, gripping on her camera with a glare. "nothing. you're daydreaming again huh?" yujin said as she puts her hands on her waist.

"not not daydreaming! i am doing it for real!" yuna stated and looked away from the girl as she started walking away. "hey! yuna!" yujin called but yuna continued ignoring her and just passed every booth.

"eh, i don't care about that dog, i will do my best!" yuna mumbled looking at her camera with a huge smile on her face. without noticing, she was about to bump into someone which was (y/n) herself.

"ouch." "ah!" by the sound she heard she knew it was (y/n), her face turned red as she  opened her eyes and saw the girl she wanted to impress. "aaaah! sorry (y/n)! i wasn't looking!" yuna looked down at you, as you avert your eyes on her, being smaller you had to look up just to see her face.

"it's okay." (y/n) mumbled and looked away, with the same look on her face, ears red and hot from embarrassment. yuna didn't notice it and only looked at you while you look away because of the pressure her stares are giving you.

"are you mad?" she asked, tilting her head to see your face, you took a breathe as your face turned back to normal with your temperature, you shooked your head and looked at her. "no." you answered and started walking away from her, yuna looked at your back, confused.

"what was that?!!" yuna asked her self and scoffed. "no way she could just leave like that." yuna mumbled.

"shin yuna! you better start taking pictures already!" yuna jumped in surprise as she hears mrs.kang's commands, and started running to the main program.

"wow, what was that (y/n), you looked like a loser there." jiheon, (y/n)'s best friend and classmate stated, following (y/n) with her eyes and chuckled. "what do you mean loser?" (y/n) asked, looking back at jiheon, glaring. "nothing, cause you can't even speak properly in front of her." jiheon stated and laughed.

"loser." (y/n) mumbled and left with a sigh.

jiheon glared at you, as she watch you walk away.



"the program is almost at it's end." yuna stated, looking at everyone with admiration in her eyes. "yup, i think you should take a picture already so we can head to the clubroom already." lia stated and yuna nodded, taking a few pictures to make sure she can pick the best.

"let's go." lia said and started walking to thier clubroom, followed by her friend, yuna. as they entered the first person they saw was you, sitting down on the chair while doing something on your tablet and laptop.

she's working on it already.

"wow, you just really want to finish already (y/n)." lia said and sat down at the other chair. yuna stayed on her spot, holding her camera as she stared at you.

lia's phone rang, making her pick it up and seeing a text from yeji. "yeji?" lia stood up and went to the door, then facing the two girls. "hey, yuna, i gotta go." lia said as she closed the door and left.

"a-ah!" yuna was about to retort, but stopped.

(y/n) stared at yuna, before looking down at her tablet and taking a deep breathe, standing up.

yuna was surprised about the sudden movement, staring at you, with a blush on her face. (y/n) also had the same look on her face, before looking at yuna with her puppy eyes.

"you did great today yuna." (y/n) stated. although the pressure was strong, she wanted to say things to yuna to express her feelings, unfazed or not.

"uh... thanks (y/n), did i really did great?" yuna asked, her eyes sparkling. (y/n) nodded, blushing.

"if you want to take pictures of me, do it, i don't mind." (y/n) stated and giggled a bit. yuna was in shock, happiness. her heart was beating fast, butterflies in her stomach, her face was in different shades of red.

"r-really?!" yuna raised her camera and pointed it to you, with a large smile om her face, she motioned you to face her.

you smiled, tucking some piece of hair behind your ear and looking at the camera.

"great! i'm so happy!" yuna bursts into a pit of giggles as she hugged her camera tightly, looking at you with sparkling eyes. "you are?" you asked, standing still at the same spot at she hugged you.

"i love you so much (y/n)!" she squealed, your eyes widen, face even more red.

"i- i love you too."

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