Yoon Sangah (LIGHTSUM)

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| homerun


"hi sangah. hey, sangah! hello sangah! hmm what's better? should i wave my hands? smile? i don't know, hmm..." y/n grumbled, rubbing her temple as she thinks of a way to greet her crush, yoon sangah, that talented athletic girl from the other class she's always liked.

right in front of her mirror inside her room, y/n sighed, unable to think between the same greetings, she wondered, what was the appropriate greeting she could say to sangah, something she would like.

after all, she and sangah weren't the same.

sangah was out going, has many friends, athletic, extrovert, brave, popular and strong.

and y/n was none of those, she was just a girl planting small flowers, plants behind the school.

y/n was out of the league, but wouldn't it hurt to try?

because behind the big crowd cheering for sangah while she plays baseball, y/n watches from afar, cheering her and hoping she could win every game, that from afar sangah might not be able see her, she would still keep on cheering and hoping it would reach sungah.

during her free time when the garden doesn't have too much tasks or job, she would always go on the field of their school to watch sungah practice with her friends.

during weekends, when she needs to visit the garden to check the plants, she would always catch a glimpse of sangah practicing t-ball, it was interesting, it looked like sangah really wanted to work hard and it shows throughout any game she plays at.

at first, it all started that way, y/n would often just catch a glimpse, watch sangah play and practice, it was never that much, it felt normal, whenever she would take a look at the field to see sangah practicing, her day would get better, all the worries are gone.

day by day, as time passes by, she was able to watch one of sangah's games, from afar, she sees sangah pouring out her everything into it, her determination.

y/n could really feel it, and it tingles her heart, make it skip and beat so fast.

y/n had always heard from her classmates that sangah was enthusiastic, fun, strong and very athletic, that one time during their school sports festival, sangah almost participated to all games.

it was crazy and funny, but at the same time y/n thought it was cute.

because she could never do the same, she wasn't fast, strong, athletic, she has a very weak stamina, and she could only afford to take care of plants.

sangah and y/n had never talked before, not even once, being in different classes was probably the reason behind it, but at the same time,  y/n lacked the confidence and the courage to talk to sangah, so as always she just watches from afar and wishes she could be able to talk to sangah.

after some attempts, y/n sighed and gave up, plopping her body down to her bed, her face falling flat, sinking down on the mattress with a grumble.

"it'll be just better if i don't talk at all." y/n muttered, before moving her head and whining.

the next day, it was just as normal as always, y/n had finally decided to just go with the normal, brushing off the thought and the want to talk to sangah, because she definitely has no chance, not with how bad she is with it.

y/n waters the plants, fixes the flower pots, cleaned the garden and made sure all of the plants, small trees and flowers are well taken care of, not wanting one of them to die.

y/n had always found comfort in the company of flowers, plants and small trees like bonsais, maybe it was more peaceful, it felt like she wasn't forced to do anything except give her love towards green plants and colorful flowers, but she wished she could do more than that.

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