Kim Yeonhee (ROCKET PUNCH)

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it was hard to start a relationship with yeonhee, she was so shy, the both of you will even get nervous everytime you're holding her hand, she would panic and say a lot of words, stammering all the time and she would even blame your cold hands when she was just being so flustered and red like a ripe tomato.

that one time when the two of you first held hands together, it was awkward, she tensed up and can't hold your hand properly. "why is your hand so cold!?" she stammered, but not letting go. "it's because yours is too hot." you answered, flustered too, the two of you can't look at each other and it was getting the best of you. "is this one of your gimmicks again!?" yeonhee stammered back, her hand shaking, but her feet stayed glued at the same spot.

"no yeonhee!" you glared at her but was still holding her hand tightly, not wanting to let go in any seconds. yeonhee got flustered more. "just hold my hand." you demanded, pulling her closer which made her gasp and bump into your side.

the first holding hands was awkward, funny, but the first kiss was so intimate, no awkwardness, it was a kiss, an innocent kiss filled with love, her lips fits so nice with yours.

for some reason, you never understood what was it that made it hard to be affectionate, or at least feel okay with affection, you love her, yeah, she do too.

but it's just so embarrassing.

as time passes by, the two of you gets used to affection, and you decided that it wasn't bad after all, from pecks to shy kisses and holding hands to gradually clinging to each other even at public.

yeonhee after all was a person who longed for affection and warmth.

she may not admit it or at least say anything about it, she liked it, from the way she acts or her small action.

either way, you never found it weird or annoying, it just gets better as it last.

like aging a wine.

"hey, you forgot your coat, here take mine." you offered, immediately trying to take off your coat to give it to her, yet she shook her head, flustered. "no, i'm okay, you can have it. i'll be fine." she insisted, your faced turned worried, pure concern only written in the vivid expression present on your face.

yeonhee sighed and nodded. "fine, i forgot it sorry." she stated, her voice low and gentle. but you only chuckled, shaking your head. "it's alright, no worries, i'll be fine okay?" you assured her, though it looked like she was convinced you took it as a yes and guided her to the train station.

"do you want to stay in my apartment? it's cold and we're far from your dorm." she suggested, looking at you through the thick mist forming in her lips.

you hesitated, then declining, her roommate, juri must be there and it'll be embarrassing to disturb her. "no, it's alright, i'll just—" but even before you finish your sentence, she spoke, almost bursted out her bubble. "nope! y/n-ah, it's cold outside, and plus it's late too, juri isn't in the dorm so don't worry, it's just us."

you looked at her, lips open agape, then nodding. "okay, if you insist, i'll stay with you for the night." you smiled, at least trying to keep the tension nice.

"and if juri comes back earlier than expected, you don't have to worry, she's nice and she wouldn't mind a company." yeonhee added, smiling back, then there was the train, so you guided her inside and sat at an empty seat.

the night was cold, breezy, and you didn't like it, though you have to admit, it did still feel nice to be beside yeonhee and hold her hand while the train continues to run.

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