Shen Xiaoting (Kep1er)

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| your job

"y/n be careful, the pavement is wet." xiaoting grumbled as she guided y/n's tracks under the small pour of rain, a coat above their heads as they walk through the wet road of seoul. they stopped in a hidden alley, where there was a shed to block the rain from pouring down.

"thanks xiao..." y/n steps out of the coat, letting xiaoting fold it and sling it around her arms. xiaoting blows a breath, creating a small mist on her lips.

"sorry, i didn't know it was gonna rain or something." xiaoting whispered, her voice low yet audible in y/n's ears, y/n shakes her head and faces xiaoting, a small curve on her lips.

"no it's okay, i didn't know too." y/n stated, xiaoting was wary, looking everywhere everytime, checking if someone recognizes her or the two of them.

it was funny, no one still has any idea about their relationship even after all the years they've been together, not even the members of xiaoting's group except for yujin, it was just them and their close friends.

y/n thinks xiaoting doesn't plan on speaking up about it.

"are you worried anyone might see us?" y/n asked, her voice so sensual and slow, as if provoking something out of xiaoting. xiaoting faced her, her face so hard to read as expressions were mixed up all together.

"yeah, i don't want to ruin this time for us." xiaoting replied, her voice hasty and almost like she was in a hurry.

y/n didn't know why they are still there, at this point of xiaoting's fame the two of them should've broken up, this isn't gonna work, but as much as she wanted the best for xiaoting, she can't deny it would hurt her, worse for xiaoting.

so y/n watches as xiaoting picks up her phone from her pockets and ignore the messages in her inbox.

why are you even doing this?

it is very reckless of xiaoting to risk her job just to be with a girl no one has any idea about, running away from her most important ordeals to meet up.

ever since xiaoting joined that shit of a survival show, and even before it happened, they were a thing already, so from that start point, y/n doesn't know what fate could bring xiaoting, she was given so much fame from the show, though she ended up in the last rank. y/n was proud and... afraid.

but she stayed nevertheless, or else xiaoting could be begging for her or even worse it may affect her job.

after their first comeback that was a success things got harder, xiaoting was always absent in y/n's life and it felt like she wasn't going to be there anytime soon, it was a cycle of everyday that y/n got used to having no presence of xiaoting beside her.

how much did it bother or hurt her seeing xiaoting get romantically shipped with other people?

at this point, there was no pain anymore.

"how was work?" y/n asked, which woke xiaoting from her thoughts while she kept dismissing messages prior to work.

xiaoting looked up from her phone. "it was very busy, i can't sneak out a time to see you, but i did today— i just hope there isn't something in our schedule today." xiaoting replied, voice filled with hesitations.

"i see, i hope you're not skipping out practices just to meet me, i don't like that." y/n smiled.

it must be the caffeine, the lack of sleep or too much practice, but the thought of y/n seeing another person, worse a guy— was making xiaoting crazy.

"you don't want that?" xiaoting asked, her voice dropping so low.

y/n shook her head, still calm in the verge of putting xiaoting in the edge. "no, obviously because you're putting your career in an edge, rather than skipping schedules of your jobs just to see me, you can always send me a text, i've gotten a hang of it having you far from me." y/n responded, looking from the opening of the alley.

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