I. Ruan × K. Kotone (GP999)

600 27 9

| very nice

[this was set in pretty u performance.]

"hey myah does my outfit look cute?" ruan asked the younger girl, twirling around in her outfit that she picked for herself, playing with her black hair tied into two small twintails. myah scanned her outfit, from her desk as she was studying.

myah wondered, why does ruan suddenly wanted to know if her outfit looked cute. because ruan wasn't like that at all, she decides it herself and she knows it herself that she looked cute in an outfit, but now it seemed like she wanted to make sure from someone that she looked cute.

"wait, what's up with you and asking me if you look cute there." myah countered, leaning on her swivel chair as she faced ruan, holding her notebook and pen.

ruan was busy checking out her outfit on the big mirror, a white t-shirt inside a blue denim polo shirt, paired with a denim shorts, a white choker, cute pair of socks and white sneakers- it did look cute on her, myah noted.

so ruan faced myah and pouted. "and what's with me asking my roommate about my outfit?" ruan asked, well, myah would admit, she had a point, it was not that big deal if you look at it like that, but for myah, it is!

ruan was literally asking for validation about her outfit! she never did that before!

ruan was always sure about the outfits she wore, like always!

"because you never asked me like that before! we've been in the same dorm for so long." myah stated, twirling back to face her desk again and write on her notebook.

"well okay, i get it. myah i'm going on a date and i need to look cute!" ruan stated, before running towards myah's desk, myah choked in the air as she coughed out.


"myah are you okay!?" ruan asked immediately patting the younger girl's back to help her. myah shook her head off, trying to bring herself back to the reality.

"you are going on a date? with who?!" myah asked as she faced ruan with a worried look on her face.

ruan grimaced, what's with myah and that look on her face. "what's with me going on a date?" ruan asked, tilting her head to the younger girl who stood up and grabbed her shoulders.

"you never went on a date before too!" myah yelled have whispered to ruan's face, ruan swiftly pushed myah away and flipped her hair before grinning.

"none of your business." ruan muttered but myah crossed her arms on her chest and pouted.

"but we're like sisters! i need to know who that person is!" myah demanded, which later on got a look from ruan.

"ugh, fine of course myah you're like my younger sister!" ruan stated and pinched myah's cheeks as the younger girl whined under ruan's touch.

"if you wanna know... i am going with kotone in a date!" ruan declared smiling happily as she pinched myah's cheeks. "o-ouch! ruan!" myah grimaced and held ruan's wrist to stop ruan from abusing her cheeks.

"s-sorry i got too happy." ruan chuckled sheepishly and scratched her nape, which got a glare from the younger.

"to answer your question, you look really really cute in that outfit!" myah jumped. "really!? i wanted to look simple but cute, kotone isn't really a fan of extravagant things." ruan noted, well base on her observation, kotone isn't all that type of a person to wear a very very formal outfit on a date.

"well for sure she isn't, but how!? when did it started or how did the two of you think of it?" myah asked, curiosity reeking through her as she watches ruan's dreamy sigh.

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