Kim Minji (NEWJEANS)

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| a friend's classmate

y/n took a sip of her chocolate soy milk, before closing the cap and bringing it down to look at her friend, bahiyyih who just got out from her review center she goes to every saturday. the two decided to meet up after both their review center classes which were held in different branches, with bahiyyih being in a different city and y/n being in another city. "how did you do in the pre-test?" bahiyyih asked, leaning on the table of a convenience store where they stayed before going out to buy school supplies. "it was hard, i probably only got 30 over 50." y/n muttered, sighing. "30? i got like 25." y/n busted out laughing. "hey at least it's half of 50." bahiyyih rolled her eyes. "i have a lot of classmates who take review centers, i remember minji! she also goes to the same branch as you!" bahiyyih said, looking at her friend and then placing a hand on her shoulders. "i don't know anyone in my class, most of them don't care." y/n replied, fixing her bag, her voice nonchalant, as if she couldn't care enough about whoever minji was. "wait, so you... don't wanna talk to her?" bahiyyih looked at her friend like what she said was almost ubelievable. everyone likes minji! y/n looked up at her friend with a straight face. "look, whoever that minji is i don't care, i don't remember anyone names minji. i don't even know anyone in our branch." y/n responded, shaking her head.

"that's insane, i'm almost friend with half of my class!" bahiyyih looked away and leaned on her seat. "we're different, even if you talk to jiwon and rei their responses will be the same as mine." bahiyyih shook her head with a pout. "you introverts suck!"

"we know, we hate ourselves too." y/n answered, earning a laugh from her friend.

the next week, saturday was another review center class y/n needed to survive, the tests were hard and she couldn't almost understand anything, their semester didn't have physics so that must mean the higher level students on her branch must be taking those. what does a girl like her know about physics! heck, she couldn't even bother with biology. it was recess, y/n found herself once again sat on a lone of seats inside the building, holding her favorite chocolate soy milk and just staring at the void with a frown. a pair of feet from afar was approaching her, but y/n couldn't care one bit, she didn't have friends in the center and she doesn't want one anyone. "hey, you okay?" a deep velvety voice asked y/n, yet her mind was miles away from reality, staring at the bright walls of the empty hall. the girl looked around, confused, she reached her hand to touch y/n soft shoulder, abruptly waking her up from her deep thoughts. y/n shifted her sight to the girl in front of her, who flashed an awkward smile. y/n looked around, seeing that they were alone, she looked at the tall girl once again. "is there... anything you want from me?" y/n asked.

the cold plastic bottle starts to feel like the room's temperature from being left with the cap on. the girl shook her head and chuckled. "nothing, i was walking around and saw you just staring at—" the long haired girl paused and looked at the wall. "nothing." y/n felt her buttocks stuck in the seat as she nodded. "oh, i'm sorry. i was just dozing off."

"i noticed." the girl took a seat besides y/n, placing her hands on her lap. "that's why i was asking if you were alright." y/n took a deep breath and looked at a different direction while thinking of an answer, before nodding. "yeah, i just want to go home already, nothing too serious." the tall girl nodded, as if she understood.

"i'm kim minji." minji— as was introduced, stretched her hand for a handshake, which y/n just stared at before accepting. "ahn y/n." minji laughed, her eyes turning crescent with her wide smile. "i know, bahiyyih told me." minji answered, before letting go and leaning her arms on her knees. "of course she did, that girl... tells a lot." y/n added, causing minji to giggle. "she's nice tho, everyone likes her. she tells a lot about you, that's why i know you."

"that's insane, but of course she has a lot of friends and she wished i went to the same school as her." y/n tapped at the cap of the bottle, thinking of that time she told bahiyyih her older sister yujin didn't want her to study at that school. "yeah, surprise you didn't, you were ahn yujin's sister after all." minji replied. "yup, everyone knows i am. but yujin didn't want me to, she said a different school's better." y/n stated, opening the cap and taking a drink. that time, all y/n could think about was minji's company, how nice she was, how good she smelled, how... how smart she is.

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