Song Hayoung (fromis_9)

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| sigh

"hayoung, you're such a messy eater." y/n stated, wiping hayoung's cheeks as the other girl ate watermelon in the messiest way as possible.

"sorry it just taste good." hayoung answered, even when her mouth was still full, not even waiting to swallow the watermelon.

y/n sighed and chuckled, shaking her head as she smiled.

"next time swallow the food first, hayoung." y/n as she ate her piece of watermelon, munching it slowly to avoid making a mess.

hayoung nodded, eyes glinting at her lover who continued to eat slowly.

she wondered,

how much patient does y/n have to stay this long with her?

"hayoung, wake up, it's already late." hayoung felt a soft shake on her body as she was waken up from the bed.

opening her eyes, the first thing she sees was y/n.

"it's already 9 am, do you have plans to wake up?" y/n asked, concerned.

hayoung immediately sat up, rubbing her eyes as she smiled sheepishly at her girlfriend.

"y/n~ sorry! i just slept too good." hayoung stated followed by a yawn.

there she heard another sigh and a laugh from the other girl.

"okay, next time use the alarm, i've already made a breakfast."

y/n has done a lot for her, so many things and in return,

hayoung felt like she couldn't do enough.

and it bothered her to sleep, when she wakes up, when she faces y/n.

has y/n developed resentment against her?

"where are you?" hayoung could not hear anything from the other line except for y/n's voice it was silent.

the firmness and lowness of y/n's voice concerned hayoung a lot.

was there something wrong?

hayoung took an overtime on work today, hoping she could return something back to y/n as soon as she got the pay.

but she forgot to tell y/n that she's be coming home late.

maybe y/n is worried?

hayoung could never read the emotion on her voice from the other line.

"just arrived at the train station, don't worry i'll get there as soon as possible." hayoung stated, smiling even when she knows y/n wouldn't see it.

she was tired.

very tired.

yet she heard a sigh from the other side,

not the typical one where she would later then add a laugh, y/n just sighed.

hayoung felt her world stop, her heart was beating fast, she was suddenly anxious.

she didn't even hear the train stop, not until she was pushed back into the reality when the train opened.

carrying the burden in her chest, hayoung entered.

the train was silent, she was the only one inside, her hands were shaking, the cold temperature in the middle of the night didn't help at all, she was practically shivering.

and for some reason, hayoung couldn't put her thoughts into once piece, it was all over her brain, she didn't know what to think or what to say.

just hearing the lone sigh from y/n, she felt anxious, scared, afraid that her biggest fear might come true.

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