Ahn Yujin (IVE)

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| i don't want to see you ever again (i miss you)

"it's been three years huh?" wonyoung muttered, flipping pages of a latest magazine she starred in, the famous model eyed her close friend of almost ten years and saw the solemn look on her face, which she doesn't usually express when with friends; except for someone like wonyoung, who she has known ever since she's a child. the business student could only purse her lips at the thought, remembering and at the same time forgetting the feeling of losing someone out of nowhere.

"yeah, i don't care anymore really." yujin brushed wonyoung off, eyes staring at the sky from the window, brows creased together.

"but for some reason you still act like you do." wonyoung said, bringing the magazine down to the glass table, sometimes wonyoung can be a bit stingy with her words but all she says are nothing but truths, wonyoung would never lie just for the sake of making her friends feel better.

it's better to be honest than let your friends live off of a lie.

"what are you trying to say wonyo?" yujin asked, pouting, her deep dimples appearing as she puts up an annoyed expression. wonyoung laughed, seeing her friends reaction. "that even with how many times you tell me you don't care anymore i know you still do, that's like four years worth of relationship, i know you still look back at those memories and regret everything." wonyoung answered, yujin glanced at her friend through the corners of her eyes then looked away again.

"tsk, i sleep at peace every night now for your information." yujin said, it amused wonyoung really, just how stubborn yujin is, she would do anything to cope with the pain of how the only girl she loved left her without a word.

and it's a wonder how even after three years, yujin had no track of where y/n went.

she just disappeared.

maybe, yujin did something wrong? she wasn't enough? y/n grew sick and tired of her? yujin was childish and immature?

yujin still doesn't understand yet those are the only things she can think of.

it made her mad that at this point she should be giving up already with the search but how can she? even if y/n wasn't her girlfriend if someone close to you disappeared out of thin air wouldn't anyone be wondering too? what if something bad happened to her?

the thought keeps her awake every night.

"even you don't believe that yujin, we all know you're lying. i know you're still worried about the whereabouts of y/n, and i promise, i'm worried too." wonyoung puts up a concerned expression as she looked at her friend.

yujin still doesn't understand how y/n just disappeared like that without a word.

it's so unfair.

"ahn yujin, you're about to start your first job and meet your first client in just a few months. i want you to be prepared because this isn't really an easy task, i'm telling this to you as early as possible because your answer matters. are you willing to take the job or not?" yujin nodded at her boss' statement, though most did not ring a bell inside yujin's head, she still tried to comprehend his words.

"what's the job then, pretty sure i can handle that." yujin leaned on her seat and smiled at her boss, who then nodded and pulled out a folder of files from his drawers. "don't be too confident but i like that." he says before flipping the pages to a specific part.

"here, your client is a daughter of my friend and this girl wants to start a business, to be exact she wants to build a school to teach sign language and she doesn't have any experience about this whole starting a building stuff so i want you to teach her about the process and all she needs to know." her boss explained, yujin shrugged as she reads the details but there were no photos or information about the client provided.

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