Yabuki Nako (IZ*ONE)

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Genre: fluff

Requested: yes

Warnings: none

Title: Stationary


"Uhh... Can I borrow your eraser?" Nako requested, stretching her arms to reach you, opening her hand for you to out your eraser on her palm. "Sure." You digged in your bag to find your light blur eraser, passing it to her, being behind you, she had the advantage to borrow stationary things from you, and of course she'll give it back, this cycle has been going in for 3 months since school started.

"Thanks." Nako thanked you and continued doing her work, your eyes landed on her paper, noticing that she was making the assignment due today, she was always like this, not doing her homework, she was used to her habit.

"Is that our homework?" You asked, eyeing her, she only nodded, not taking her eyes off the paper. Her paper looks rushed, but she was trying her best to make a good paper.

Out of nowhere, her pencil's lead broke, making her curse under her breath and look at you with pleading eyes. "Do you got any sharpener there?" She asked, smiling. Oh, I swear, you are like a stationary shop for having a lot of things in your small bag, borrowing was her habit, she was nice and fun, so it was really okay for you for her to borrow.

Ever since school started and your first day as a transferee in their school, you didn't talk to anyone, not even your seatmate, oh, and your seatmate was just her friend. Nako was a friendly girl, she would make conversation to anyone near her, so she actually got your attention, as for your seatmate, Hitomi, she wasn't that friendly, she couldn't even make conversation with you, but she was nice.

"Here." You passed Nako your sky blue sharpener, still watching her do her work, she really loves the way you value a lot of things, like your stationary things, you were like addicted to your things, you love having a lot of stationary things cause it satisfy your needs in school, you started to collect stationary things when you were in middle school, continuing the habit until you were in highschool, followed by your love with sky blue.

"Thanks." Nako mumbled and used the sharpener. Passing it back to you, you saw her smile, dimples showing, oh, it was just pure. "Welcome." Then silence lingered in your ear, as she started to work on her paper again.

The door opened revealing Hitomi, Nako's friend, holding out a envelope, you knew what was going to happen next, of course she'll announce that your teacher was absent, then she will tell you that she was told to collect the homeworks so she could leave it in your teacher's desk, it was absolutely her work.

Nako noticed Hitomi, making her write so fast, her writings turning a little bit different. You looked for your homework. You looked at Nako to see her finally finishing her work.

"Everyone, Mrs. Baek is absent and she requested collecting all of your homeworks." Everyone falls in line, holding their homeoworks, Nako stood up, sighing in relief, holding her paper.

"Come one, let's pass our papers." Nako stated and took your hand, pulling you into the line. Chatters were heard, as everyone talks about how hard the homework was, and Nako being a smart one, she was always able to make the homework in school without worries.


"(Y/n)! You heard a voice call out to you, making you stir a bit and look back, seeing Nako running towards you with two banana milks in her hand. Nako smiled at you, hands stretching towards you to pass the banana milk to you. "Is this for me?" You asked, pointing at the banana milk on her hands. "Uh huh!" Nako nodded and smiled at you, her bunny teeth showing. "Thanks." You reached for the banana milk.

"That's for all the stationary things you lend me!" Nako stated and giggled, slowly she tip toed to you and peck your cheeks. Your face flushed and it felt like everything was hot.

"Thanks again!" And she left you, looking a tomato.

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