Kim Suyeon (Sheon) (Billlie)

875 40 6

| sheon?

"there's— uhm a fur on you." suyeon verbally pointed out, looking at y/n with her cat-like eyes, while her lips pursed in an awkward thin line and she hesitates to say more words. y/n raised her brows, opening her mouth she mouths— "huh?" spinning around trying to look for the fur on her, suyeon notices the struggle of the other one who seem to be spinning for almost forever and can't find the ball of fur that was laying right on her shoulder.

suyeon wonders— is she dizzy spinning by now?

suyeon placed a hand on y/n's shoulder, abruptly stopping the taller one from her neverending spin, then suyeon oh so kindly brushed off the fur on y/n's clothes, smiling sheepishly at the girl.

y/n turned towards suyeon, wincing in embarrassment as she scratched her not-so-itchy neck while her eyes shifted somewhere else.  "thanks— i didn't noticed that." y/n stated, earning a nod from suyeon who looked at the cat laying on the table.

"no problem, i think sheon enjoyed the groom." suyeon pointed out, looking at the cat who, like a royalty is sleeping on the table, surrounded by its own fur that was brushed by y/n. y/n nodded, leaning on the table. "uh yeah, though he's giving me dirty looks earlier, he probably thinks my skills aren't up to his standards." y/n chuckled as she joked, suyeon nodded, giggling at the witty remark.

"he's got a high standard, haram told me— but he's nice when he wants to, my mom would be happy to see him clean. you probably haven't noticed but it's raining outside since a while ago, and i can't take sheon cat while it's raining." suyeon stated, tapping her shoes delicately on the floor as she thinks of how she'll carry the cat on the pet carrier while it's raining hard— not to mention she forgot to bring an umbrella as she got not news about the weather.

y/n nodded, humming to herself as she leaned away from the table, rubbing her chin. "okay, well... if you want you can stay here for just a short amount of time while i clean up until the rains stops— or after i clean i can take you to your place..." y/n looks away, nervous as she waits for suyeon's answer.

y/n then shook her head, clearing her throat. "of course it's your decision!" she added, her eyes took a peek towards suyeon who was taking her time to decide after all, y/n is someone who isn't just working in a veterinary clinic as a groomer but also a friend she knew for a long time.

suyeon's eyes met y/n, she nodded.

"okay, i think i'm alright with you taking us to our place— after we clean up of course." suyeon stated, placing her hands on her back.

as they stare at each other— all there was present is a long silence from both who stood in front of each other, y/n moved and hits her hips in the metal table.

with a hiss, y/n moved away, her hand on her hips as one of the scissors laying on the table falls on the floor, surprising the two of them.

"are you okay?" suyeon asked, extending her arms to y/n who winced and nodded, laughing it off. "uh yeah, i was just uhm a... dozing off sorry, but i'm alright." y/n stated, crouching down to pick up the scissors that fell.

suyeon with a worried face nodded, humming to herself as y/n started to brush the mess on the floor, shaking off the thoughts on her head. suyeon helped with cleaning the fur that was all around the room.

after all work was done, suyeon sees y/n coming out of a bathroom with new clothes, walking towards her and senior francis who was on her arms jumped off and got inside the pet carrier, situating itself like the king he was.

y/n looked at the cat before she turned to suyeon, the keys of her car on her hand, she bobs her head to the exit, a hesitant smile on her lips.

"let's go?" she muttered, suyeon, who was mesmerized, nodded before closing the pet carrier and bringing it with her outside.

when they got outside, it was still raining but it was a lot calmer than a while ago, suyeon stood in front of the clinic, making sure they were under the roof. "i'll take the car okay? please wait." y/n turned to suyeon before walking off to the parking lot.

in just a few minutes, a car stops just in front of suyeon, y/n opens the door from the passenger seat and helped suyeon in carrying the pet carrier to the back of car, patting it as they placed it on the seat.

suyeon sat on the passenger seat, awkwardly fixing her position as y/n leans in to help her buckle up, with their faces close to each other, suyeon feels herself warming up at the contact only for y/n to pull away and start the engine.

the car ride was quiet the whole time, y/n felt her palms sweating a bit as she held the stirring wheel with all strength in her hands, eyes falling in the rear mirror to check on the cat behind them— who seems unimpressed with y/n's driving skills. suyeon didn't mind, her eyes were wandering off places each stoplight they wait.

y/n shakes off the thoughts when she caught the cat glaring at her like it was planning a very sinister revenge plan for later.

suyeon notices the rain stop, suddenly it was a little sunny and a visible rainbow was clear in the sky, she was in awe as she stared, feeling a little more relaxed inside y/n's car. while seeing suyeon's reaction, y/n's heart melted a bit, feeling her face heat up at that moment, relaxing her fingers in the stirring wheel before accelerating carefully once again.

when y/n parked the car in front of suyeon's place, suyeon remained in the seat, not moving while she thinks of anything to do. y/n didn't mind, her brain seemed to have stop working as she waited for suyeon to do something or anything.

they have completely forgotten about sheon whose claws were scratching the carrier, no— they didn't hear anything as they sat and tried to control each other's heartbeat.

y/n seemed more obvious about it though, she was tapping her foot, her finger and shaking her eyes every now and then, while suyeon remained glued in the seat and eyes in the road.

suyeon cleared her throat, breathing heavily as she spoke. "uhm, sorry i didn't mean to be awkwardly and by the way— thanks for the ride, appreciated it really!" suyeon nodded to herself, raising her index finger to her lips as she tried to remain calm.

y/n looked at suyeon, before nodding and pursing her lips in a thin line. "yeah, it's alright no problems." y/n replied, wincing at how she almost cracked her voice.

while she looked away, suyeon stared at her, a pair of eyes bore in y/n's back, not realizing when she turned her head and met suyeon's sharp pair of eyes.

they stared at each other, both equally as confused as the other, y/n felt her ears warming up and blood rushing to her face as she stared harder.

sheon the royal cat didn't like that as he hissed, surprising both.

"ah! i forgot!" suyeon laughed as she tried— (with y/n trying too at the same time) to reach for the pet carrier, with y/n accidentally placing her hand on suyeon's and moving away as quick as she can, facing the stirring wheel she took a sharp breath and placed her hand on the wheel and hopped out of the car to open the door from the other side.

suyeon held the pet carrier on her arms, getting out of the car and she stood there in front of y/n with a smile. "bye, see you again." suyeon did strike a charismatic smile at y/n before walking off and leaving the other in trance over her beauty.

y/n stood there before walking all wobbly inside her car and thinks to herself:

suyeon is so fucking pretty.

and sheon cat doesn't love me... i guess.

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