Nakamura Kazuha (LE SSERAFIM)

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| 幽婚 (yuukon)

even after 2 years after y/n died, to kazuha that memory is still fresh off of her mind, like a time loop that keeps bringing her back to that exact moment she lost the only person she had in her life. there was no truth behind y/n's death, one day in kazuha's sleep she dreamed of y/n entering a abandoned house in a mountain and never coming out ever again. kazuha felt the need to find her, when she woke up; kazuha hurried to look for y/n but there were no traces of her, she wasn't answering either.

kazuha consulted a antique shop owner who also works for people to find a missing item or a person, she hoped that y/n will be found again.

yet that hoped shattered into pieces when the owner reported that y/n might be gone... forever, her traces were no longer found and she was forever spirited away in the forest. it bothered kazuha whenever she was awake, asleep or even daydreaming. kazuha felt like she was in a neverending time loop where she keeps looking for y/n, in the same mountain where lots of people disappeared, where she first met y/n and where she lost her too.

it's a shame, kazuha barely remembered anything about y/n anymore because she's stuck on her death. she met y/n in a shrine in that mountain, the shrine hidden behind a thick forest, kazuha was once lost too but y/n took her back to the entrance of the mountain and she was back home safely.

kazuha figured at that time y/n might have lived in the inn near the shrine, the mountain was tourists spot after all. but after y/n disappeared, one year after her death, a landslide hit the mountain causing the deaths of people and the inn was forever destroyed, the shrine was flooded.

no one came back to that mountain ever again.

except for kazuha.

it's almost like a ritual, she comes back, hopes for something and leaves empty handed, she does that again... and again and again.

today too, kazuha finds herself seated at an empty train, old and rusty but still works well when you know how to play with the controls like a toy, she found out about it when she was once going around the station and entered the control room.

something had always bothered kazuha, she can see ghosts, hear and feel them, whenever she goes to the bustling streets of tokyo— it gets very overwhelming overtime as she passes through crowds of people, the dead and the alive.

right now, from her seat, in the window she spots a heavily burnt man, looking at her from afar, then she ignores.

the train stops, kazuha stood up and walked out of the bus but was greeted by a spirit of a woman who looked at her, kazuha figured she might be one of those who died at the landslide one year ago, but again, she proceeds to walk away. kazuha entered the mountain from the back, walking past multiple temples and statues which were also flooded, she also brought purifying embers with her.

"be careful staying in the mountain for too long, that place is flooded now with the black water, the more wet you are with that water, the more violent spirits will be."

that's what ms. miyawaki told her, that's why she always brings purifying embers with her to dry her off.

after using the embers, kazuha steps a foot in one of the shrines in the mountain, there was a long path in this shrine, one that turns right and one that goes straight to the huge shrine. kazuha decided to continue walking inside the big shrine first, there really wasn't something interesting there, just a large altar with a mirror in the center and a maze-like structure of wooden doors.

kazuha shook her head and went to one of the doors, leading her to the underground part of the shrine, she walks past bamboo windows and cages inside of the shrine and after walking past different hallways she was met with a very large wooden door, with no hesitation kazuha opened it.

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