Seo Youngeun (GP999)

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| it's alright


11:23am, it was dark, the only source of light inside youngeun's room was a small moon shaped lamp, something y/n gifted her during one of those times they went on a date together. the silence was so loud, there was nothing there but constant ringing of the air. the heavy feeling on top of youngeun doesn't seem to fade away, it was hard to breath, it scares youngeun so much.

yet— youngeun didn't bother to even move a muscle, she was laying down in the bed, her blanket wrapped around her just in her chest, her eyes were opened wide awake as she stared into nothing but the white ceiling of her room. she was basically paralyzed and couldn't move.

her breathing felt heavy, her brain was pumping so badly and there was nothing but emptiness inside of it, there was no single thought but fear.

youngeun was scared and she didn't know why or for what? gripping her blanket tightly, youngeun gulped, wishing this would end and she could close her eyes, yet, it doesn't seem to work.

the air was cold, the humid feeling of the wind hitting her toes made youngeun whimper, scared that something might touch her and surprise her to death and even with the cold of the wind, she was still sweating buckets, and it felt like someone took her breath away in a hitch.

"help—" she whispered, scared and vulnerable, she had no strength, after those nights she got nightmares at the middle of the dark, she felt like she's in no shape to fight anymore. the bed felt like it was suffocating her, like she was slowly sinking in and getting eaten up by the dark.

suddenly, the lamp's light went off, surprising youngeun, making her flinch on her bed, breath hitching. then it went back again, flickering for a few times before the light went back to normal.

youngeun looked to her right where her nightstand was sitting, there she saw her phone and the moon lamp, her phone vibrated— over the wood of the small table, she hears the vibration.

youngeun's ears perked, moving her hand slightly to reach for the phone, when she felt tears prickling down on the corners of her eyes, slowly rolling down and wetting the bed sheets.

"y/n..." she muttered, hoping it was y/n who messaged her.

was it because of the non-stop nightmares?

was it the fear of the dark?

the fear of being alone.

the fear of having no one beside her.

or the separation anxiety and constant fear of abandonment.

was she being a burden?


does y/n find it hard of catering her with attention—

youngeun sobs, gripping her phone.

the phone lit up, bombarded with notifications and messages from y/n.

youngeun? are you up?



you okay?

[you missed one call from y/n]

i can't sleep, i am thinking of you right now.

i am very worried... (˘・_・˘)

did you have nightmares?

do you want me to go there?
seen 12:19am.

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