Kim Minji (NEWJEANS)

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| unwanted presents pt.3

note: tw! psycho! stalker kmj!

the voice lower by an octave from hers made y/n freeze. the hair on her skin stood up from the creepy feeling. minji's footsteps were clear, y/n closes the portfolio and places it on the drawer once again with her trembling fingers. "you..." y/n muttered, turning her head to the taller girl.

y/n glared at minji, only to receive a nonchalant stare. "hanni said to get the battery and tools but you're snooping on someone's possession without asking for permission." minji stated, stopping with her tracks one feet away from y/n. the tall figure hovered over y/n, the fear strikes as she knew she had nothing against this girl's physical strength but y/n didn't cave in.

"but you're taking unsolicited photos of someone." y/n barks back, looking down. minji face falls into a frown then she smiled. "why won't i? you're like— the prettiest girl i've ever seen." minji reaches her slender finger towards y/n's chin, which the girl immediately pushed away. "don't touch me!" y/n shouted, stepping back, her hips hit the edge of the table causing y/n to grunt because of the pain.


"well, you're not supposed to be acting like this right?" minji whispered, taking a few steps forward, closing the gap between her and y/n. y/n pushed back, hands leaning on the table, her head turned sideways to deny the gaze minji is giving her. "h-huh?" y/n breathes out, her eyes closed tightly.

cold palms touched her cheeks, y/n flinched as minji's calloused hands caressed her soft cheeks. y/n hears minji chuckling. "i don't know why are you acting this way, i thought we liked each other?" minji asked, her voice sounded sweet, innocent— as if she was just as confused as y/n is. "w-what the hell do you mean?" y/n trembled under the touch, tears continued to flow like a river.

"don't cry y/n, i won't hurt you." minji whispered. as if paralyzed, y/n can barely move her body, leaning her weight on to the table, refusing to cave in to minji's touch. "please... leave me alone." y/n cried out, her eyes open a little to see the door of minji's room closed, hoping she can get there as soon as possible.

"i can't do that sorry..." minji replied, eyes stared down at y/n with no light on it. minji pushed y/n's face to look at her then says. "just look at me y/n, don't you think you're being too mean to me?" minji tilted her head to get a good look at y/n's tear soaked face, then she smiled. "you're so pretty."

how can someone make sweet words taste so sickening?

"i don't understand what are you saying, i don't even know you!" y/n pushed minji off of her, minji didn't even flinch, she just backed off. clenching her fist, minji stared at y/n, who wiped the tears in her eyes.

"i knew it. you wouldn't understand just how much i care about you." minji stated, even though they weren't supposed to have that much height gap— y/n felt like minji stood taller, that she's just like a piece of doll minji could throw anyway with ease. y/n's eyes stings. "what..?" she whispered.

"the boxes are left unopened, i thought you'd like those dresses and you'd look pretty in those." minji calmly talked, shrugging as if what she was saying is just as normal as asking for the weather. y/n grits her teeth and replied. "no shit... you were using my brother's name to shove all of those in me and even paying the rent, you don't understand how dangerous that is!" y/n took three steps forward as minji tool three steps backwards. minji looked unfazed.

"that's the only option and that stupid man who owned that shitty apartment complex doesn't take gifts from unknown people and all he thinks about is money," minji paused, lifting her camera that was hanging by her neck (that y/n didn't even notice until now) then took a snap of y/n.

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