Kim Yooyeon (MTG)

918 22 10

| cruel summer

note: another long ass fuck oneshot of yooyeon.

yooyeon passes through an ocean of students inside their university, heart pounding inside her ribcages as she held her things on her, eyes fixated to the hallway, ignoring every voice and pushing back every thought whilst she continues to stride to the next class of hers.

holding her breath, yooyeon turns left and finally was away from the sea of students who were packed in the hallway like sardines, each having their own classes to attend to.

yooyeon silently enters inside the lecture hall, sitting in an unoccupied seat, placing her bag down along with her things, finally able to breath properly.

pressure and another pressure, each days that past is another responsibility she needs to ponder about, the weight of having a pharmacist mother and a doctor father gets to her all the time— scared that she'll be stuck in this unending loop until she dies.

she feared the thought of not being able to do a lot in her life now that she's starting to grow up.

everyone is out there having fun, living the life they want, free and are able to become the person they want to be.

meanwhile she's stuck in the weight of becoming what her parents want her to be.

it's unfair.

thoughts were blown away when a violent thud woke her up, yooyeon looks up to see a tall figure standing up beside her, hand extended to the table with a book.

the person shifted her gaze to yooyeon and stared at her for a good amount of time before looking away and placing their bag to the floor and taking a seat besides yooyeon.

yooyeon scoots away to give space, still looking at the person beside her, meanwhile the stranger couldn't be bother to give a damn about yooyeon as they leaned on the desk and buried their head on their arms.

the lecture began and while yooyeon took notes and was listening properly, the girl beside her wasn't paying attention and was just staring at the lecturer, scratching her head every moment she can, yooyeon can sense that the person must be confused.

"i don't even get any of this shit." the girl mumbled and yooyeon listened attentively while her eyes were fixated over the lecturer, taking a peek at the stranger every moment.

without knowing, the stranger might have felt that yooyeon was watching attentively and turned to yooyeon, eyes nonchalantly staring at yooyeon.

"what?" the person asked, pushing herself up and leaning on the seat, eyes glued to yooyeon who's cheeks flushed pink, yooyeon's eyes blinked a few times before she turned to meet the stranger's eyes once again. sheepishly, yooyeon looked away. "sorry, i didn't mean to stare at you." she muttered.

"do i look dumb to you kim yooyeon?" asked the stranger, yooyeon looked at her, eyes wide, pointing at herself. "h-huh? you know me? and— no that's not what it is, i just..." the person scoffed and brushed their hair back.

"yeah, obviously. i can read your i.d. you know?" said by the girl, rolling their eyes in the process, yooyeon wasn't a person who gets distracted in classes easily, but suddenly she got lost on the moment and her whole body was focused to the girl beside her.

yooyeon looked at her i.d, before she looked at the stranger's i.d, the name written being as 'kang y/n' and is a medicine student too.

yooyeon looked up, her eyes fall over y/n's bored expression while looking over the lecturer and other students in front of them. yooyeon graces her gaze to y/n's face, taking in every moment of her eyes before she settled in her seat and started listening too.

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