Jeong Dahyun (ROCKET PUNCH)

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DAHYUN sat on the bleachers quietly, as she watch her classmates practice for the upcoming sports event, everyone was determined, they wanted to win, dahyun really wanted to win too, but after all those practices she stopped for a while, drinking in her favorite bottle. all her classmates were just wearing their p.e. uniform, some are practicing and others are just sitting.

what caught her attention the most is her crush, yushin. casually resting in the grass fields, resting her palms on the grass, watching her classmates play. dahyun had always thought that yushin extremely look good without her specs, and dahyun wanted to just stare at yushin for some time.

yushin wiped her sweat, letting the sun hit her, panting, she have been running for hours, nonstop, unfortunately their adviser decided to borrow all the time of their classes so they can practice, the cheerdance and for the sports.

yushin wasn't the sporty person, but she was strong, she can handle almost everything, but she was preserve, just like dahyun. dahyun loves everything about yushin, almost to the point dahyun thinks she's obsessed, but truly, she wasn't, she was just in love.

"get your butt up ms. jang! 400m runners are going to start." mr. kang commanded, making yushin stand up, and lazily walk up to her position, which was the last runner. dahyun had a lot of time to watch yushin, her heart beating fast, eyes following yushin dash, internally cheering for her crush.

dahyun watch the first runner dash, with the metal on her hands, it feels like just when she blinks the runner is already finished, so as much as possible she keeps her eyes open as the first runner passed the metal to the second runner. as much to her dismay, the second runner was faster, but at least, her eyes can still keep up.

the third runner reached for the metal, immediately running to reach yushin, who already has her arms stretched to reach for the metal, the sleeves of their blue track suit rolled up to her forearm, she knew, she wasn't the only one who is attracted to yushin.

finally, yushin grabbed the metal, running, dahyun swears her heart is beating as fast as how yushin runs, dahyun's eyes lits up as she sees how determined yushin was, her long legs makes her even faster, in just a few seconds or what, yushin reaches the finish line, with their classmates coming up to her.

she was still holding into the metal bar, panting heavily. mr. kim approaches the runner, and as much as to dahyun's dismay, she didn't hear what mr. kim said, but only their classmates' cheers.

dahyun stood, walking towards the crowd her classmates made, being still in middle-school, yushin's abilities were already amazing, dahyun never felt so in love before.

"that was amazing guys!" one of their classmates, cheered, putting a arm on yushin's shoulder. dahyun finally reaches the crowd, not forgetting to bring her bag and her water bottle. as she reached the crowd everyone looked at her, even yushin.

"h-huh?" dahyun mumbled, her cheeks pink, she just approached them but why did she get those looks. one of their classmates points at her water bottle, smiling mischieviously.

"is that a water for yushin?" her classmate asked, making dahyun clutch her water bottle tightly, her face heating up more, her cheeks purely dusted with pink. "w-what?" dahyun shook her head.

yushin passed at dahyun, walking towards her own bag, reaching for her own water bottle. "don't mind them, they're just joking around." yushin stated as she stares at dahyun, dahyun was frozen on her spot, still holding into her water bottle, flustered.

"yeah, i know." dahyun mumbled. making everyone laugh off.


FINALLY it was time to go home, exact at 4 pm, where she casually go at the back of their school at the vending machines, and get herself a drink, ever since she started to finish her elementary and start her middle-school life in this school, she always went to the back of this school and had marked this as her favorite part of their school along with the school's field.

when she arrived, she saw yushin, reaching for the cola yushin bought, a smile formed on her lips, as she watched yushin stood up and opened the can, before even drinking it, yushin noticed dahyun, as dahyun walked to the vending machine.

yushin held dahyun's wrist, making the girl look at her, hiding a smile. yushin had no expression on her face, she propped the soda to dahyun, lifting the hands she held and making dahyun hold the soda she bought.

dahyun's face flushed and was in deep shades of red, making her look like an apple, not knowing what to do, she was panicking, this was the closest view she had of yushin. "w-wha?" dahyun couldn't continue her words, her sentence was stuck on her throat, she was unable to talk. yushin's smell lingers, it smells so fresh, like just some strawberry scent, like those strawberries that was so sweet.

"i don't need it anyways," dahyun swears, yushin had never ever looked good upclose, even when she has her black glasses, and she swears, yushin was the only nerd who looked good.

she was biased but she didn't care.

dahyun held the soda can tightly, her eyes staring back at yushin's olive ones, it was deep, even when there is a glass blocking it, it was clear, as if you could really see her clean soul inside of it, never in her life dahyun ever felt so intruiged.

she wanted to know yushin more.

"t-th-thanks, yushin." dahyun mumbled, clearly, she could see yushin, nod at her, letting go of her wrist, propping her hands on the pockets of her clean blazer, yushin's neat looks make dahyun fall in love more, more deeper.

"you're welcome." a soft mumble comes out of yushin's red and glossy lips that matched her glossamer skin, her brown hair falling so beautifully on her shoulders, that held her school bag, either way dahyun couldn't explain how pretty yushin was.

fireworks, that's what her heart feels like, it was exploding, as the moon glows, late, even when it's turning dark, their staring session was still on.

to be honest, it was just yushin, yushin who made her act so preserved, yushin who made dahyun feel so happy, who made dahyun come to school everyday, who made dahyun feel so amazing, who made dahyun feel so biased about her classmates, she can only see yushin.

"see you tomorrow," yushin leaves, walking out, and even her back was still beautiful for dahyun, even when yushin's figure slowly disappear, the speed of dahyun's heartbeat was still the same, it was exetremely fast, just how yushin dashed back in their practice.

everything she feels she would depend it in yushin, like she can't live without yushin, rather, she wanted to make sure she sees yushin everyday.


dahyun continued to walk after going out of the bus she always took when she goes to school, the empty soda can was still on her hands, she would never trash it, she thought.

even though she walks slowly, she knew she was just sparing time to think of yushin, only her, not even those homeworks their teachers gave them, she could ignore them all but not yushin.

and shit, dahyun never knew her simple love was growing deeper and deeper, and as she stays longer into yushin, she slowly understands what she feel, those actions she was doing, her choice of words, her reaction, her way of behaving in front of yushin, yushin's appeal to her, it makes so huge effects on her, and there is no way she could escape, perhaps it was already love for her.

this was so long! anyways, i just copied it in my draft for my dahyun ff! please if i ever publish it please support it!!!!! and yushin is the reader's name ssksksks

do you think it's good!? that was just the first and second chapter of the book i was going to make.

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