Kim Minji (NEWJEANS)

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| unwanted presents pt.4

note: tw! psycho! stalker kmj!

it's late, y/n thinks to herself as she stood under the bus stop shed beside the empty road at almost eleven at night, there were almost no vehicles at sight, just some cars passing by every 2 minutes whenever she would close her eyes. regret, all she could feel under the pits of her stomach is regret, bubbling down as it boils and made her stomach grumble. "i should've let soobin accompany me home." y/n whispered to herself, hearing the chirps of crickets behind the bushes on the side of the road.

y/n watches as a single car passed by, the lights illuminating her delicate face as the car accelerated without her noticing. y/n sighed, grimacing at the thought of being alone in the middle of nowhere, anyone being free to put her in danger at this moment of time.

grunting in defeat, y/n scrolls on her phone to look for contacts she thinks are free at this hour, guessing that soobin might be at his apartment and is sleeping at this hour, she scrolls past his number.

hanni... y/n hesitates, because of what happened last time she couldn't decide whether she could trust this girl once again, remembering the fact that hanni locked her in a room with her stalker.

y/n scoffed.

y/n has no one to call at this point when she reached the end of the contacts, she barely had any friends and she doesn't communicate with most of her classmates, leaving her vulnerable in this types of situation. y/n wished her brother was here, but he was super far away.

then she remembered one person who can exactly save her.

kim minji.

even though morally and objective, according to the law— minji is a bad person, even if you look at her in different angles, you can say what she did are all wrong— spying on a girl, stalking and worse, sending gifts named to a person close to her victim. with her innocent-like face, her round eyes, plump lips, luscious hair and her tall stature; one might find it hard to think she's somewhat a criminal. but y/n knew better, so even if minji is dangerous, she couldn't deny that this strange obsession the girl had over her can be used in some way or the other.

so, y/n dug on her purse to look for a crumpled piece of paper, on the bottom of her purse, she comes in contact with the paper and she pulled it out. this specific paper was tucked inside one of the boxes she received not too long ago.

"guess i have no choice." in the corner of y/n's eyes, she can see a middle-aged man, not too far from her— making his way to y/n's direction. y/n's heartbeat started to race faster as the man approaches, she hates the way her fingers trembled while she dialed the phone number.

it didn't take too long for minji to answer, noticing the man taking his steps slower. "..." there were no voice on the other line but just the sound of what it seemed like the buzzing of the air conditioner. y/n spoke. "minji..? can you— pick me up here at the bus stop near the seoul plaza mall?" her voice was shaking, her fingertips were cold touching the case of her phone. y/n hesitated but there were sounds of shuffling on the other line, the sound of the key ringing and the door shutting close.

"minji? are you here?" y/n asked, looking around. the man inches a little closer much to y/n's dismay, the fear she felt around minji was no match to what she felt right now, she'd rather be beside minji than to be preyed around by an old man.

"y/n." the sound of engine starting awaken y/n from her deep thoughts, feeling impatient; she answered. "why?" the steady humming of the car engine kept y/n awake but she can feel the man get closer to here, feeling sick y/n closed her eyes.

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