Jung Jinsoul (LOONA)

5K 97 44

Genre: Angst

Requested: NoPe

Warnings: n0ne

Title: I'm Fine.


You eat cautiosly, hands frantically shaking due to anxiousness, eyes watching her every move, you knew this was happening. You and Jinsoul were out on a date and you were really up to another day in pretending, something was up, you thought about it, she wasn't that kind of a person to take you out on dates, you were the only one who does it, but this time it was different, with all her chest out she asked you out, and promise, you were frustrated. "Are you okay?" She asked as she raised a brow on you, swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded, letting out a forced smile. "Yes." You mumbled.

She shrugged and continued eating. You sighed and scratched your head, you hated this, and for the fact you've been like pretending over and over again, everyday, you were used, frustrated. Like once you heat up and your face where all red, you were angry, and you were close to bursting up and telling her you hated it, it was all cute when it started but geez you guys needed to talk.

You slammed the fork in yiur hands as you leaned on the chair you were at. "What?" She asked you as her face turns into a confused look. Eyes, looking everywhere as the people at the restaurant ignores your presence. "Nothing." You mumbled. Someone call a firetruck. You thought as your face started to heat up and turn red, your hand clutching at the table.

Jinsoul stared at you, cold feet, you were not trying to reach out to her, you were just wanting her to get to you, and to be honest, you hated her face, she was too pretty to exist, you wanted to slam her pretty pretty face but you, of course you can't, she seems to keep on getting into your nerves out of nowhere because she was absolutely beautiful and you feel so complicated than the streets when weekends.

Pretty is everything, yup, her face makes her get everything she wanted, even if she's an idiot sometimes. Jinsoul puts a palm on her chin and sighed, everything was awfully awkward this time around, the air was so wisty and guess what? She had her smirk growing each minutes that the both of you wasted, she knows how to manipulate you in some ways, but heck, she didn't know that you also know how she manipulates you in every ways.

If she fucking thought you could take all the shits she's been doing to you, well then you can't, that's not it.

If she thought you could pretend any longer and smile to her, well you're about to fucking blow up.

If she thought you could reach all the stars and give them to them or even pick up flowers for her, well then she got it wrong.

You wanted to say it but of course you were scared you might look small.

You wanted to say it but you think you might be fucking wrong.

Jinsoul took you hand and intertwined it to yours as she pays the bill.

"(Y/n) let's go." She pulled you out of the restaurant up to the train station, waiting for the next train, it was cold, everyone in the train were wearing those dull colored coats. Shen then lets go and puts her hands on her pockets. Eyes wondering around, your eyes then glanced at her hands on her pockets. "Let's talk." You mumbled that maid her look at you, confused.

"What is it?" She just plainly asked, lips turning into a small purse.

You then looked away, sighing deeply.

"Y'know, I hate this." You stated before looking at her with a glare. She gingerly tucks a small blonde locks behind her left ear as her brow tucks in. "I don't get you." She stated. You took a deep breath before shutting your mouth. "I don't think we are doing this right." You stated.

"What? You mean our relationship?" She questioned.


You chuckled. "You know what?" You glared at her, this time you had to resist her.

"Let's break up." You then left her in the train station as the next train stops.

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