Kamimoto Kotone (GP999)

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| she's so...

( ◜‿◝ )♡

"you guys will never understand! kotone is like my prince! or princess whatever! she's so... attractive!" y/n sighed in a dreamy way, placing both of her hands on her cheeks, blushing so hard as she sways her shoulders sideways. looking like a princess who just met her 'knight in shining armor' or her lovely prince. it's awkward, yeseo thinks, kotone isn't that bad, but isn't she like an outcast? so quiet, barely speaking, timid, lonesome like how would y/n know or even find that girl attractive when she doesn't even utter a word?!

"i don't know about you y/n but i can never see how kotone would make you go crazy to the point you daydream." yeseo stated, frowning as her eyes watch the other girl put her hands down and glare at her before going back to daydreaming.

"of course you wouldn't! and i'd rather you stay confused!" y/n retorted back, facing away from yeseo's direction. yeseo's bright eyes glanced towards sein, who was looking at y/n as if she understand what the girl was saying. sein met yeseo's eyes and shrugged. "even though i too don't understand, you could probably tell us about her! omg, i'm so curious about her!" sein tapped y/n's shoulder to get her attention out of her vague daydreams.

y/n released a faux cough before speaking again. "hm, well i once talked to her, during our school festival, she was so sweet and soft, her voice is so deep, i fell for it!" y/n placed her hands on her lap, leaning on her desk, where she sighed again, for the 100th time if yeseo was exaggerating and tried to count those dreamy sighs. yeseo puts her arm on the desk, before lifting an arm and leaning her chin on it.

"whatever i still don't get it." yeseo laughed under her breath. chaeyun nodded and leaned behind yeseo's seat, almost like she was agreeing towards y/n's statement about this kotone girl.

"yes! yes! you're right, there was this one school activity we did here and we had her as our leader, i was with liang jiao and if you ask her, kotone is indeed very nice and sweet, she does have a deep voice and takes things seriously!" chaeyun added, briefly having an eye contact with y/n who was surprised and couldn't believe what she heard.

"what!? you were grouped with her!? why didn't you tell me!? are you guys friends!?" y/n drops question with another question, her hands flailing itself towards her hair, dramatically pulling it.

"a-argh! y/n it's not that deep! but we did had a smallest type of friendship, she was still kinda quiet, but can be blunt towards people." y/n watched chaeyun with envy, she could've been there and became friends with kotone, but how cruel can the world be to separate them like that.

"oh, so you know her?" yeseo asked chaeyun, looking up for a glance on the short-haired girl. chaeyun nodded, humming as she glanced on her left side and saw myah heading their way. "oh myah! you can ask her too!" chaeyun stated as she turned her head towards y/n.

"ask what? are you guys backstabbing me!?" myah dramatically yelled, jumping over to their desk and flailing her hands over y/n and yeseo who sat across each other.

"hey! stop that!" sein scolded myah, who later then stopped and scratched the back of her head. myah shrugged and giggled. "haha, well my bad... what were you guys even talking about?" myah asked, looking around to see the faces of the four girls who eyed y/n.

"ngh, ah alright, do you know kamimoto kotone?" y/n asked, clasping her hands together and leaning on to it as a support.

myah could feel everyone's eyes burning towards her as she watches them with confusion.

"why do you want to know?" myah asked back at y/n, who later then received the same amount of stares from the other girls.

y/n glared at myah and frowned. "just answer my question! it's for research purposes!" y/n responded, like it wasn't even her choice to ask myah about this prince of hers.

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