Kim Minjoo (IZ*ONE)

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Genre: angst

Requested: nope

Warnings: saddd

Title: Hoodie


Minju dig on her closet trying to find a proper clothes to wear today, it was kinda like a special day for Yujin, and it feels like Yujin only felt like it was special, Minju didn't know what to feel. Ever since the break up thing happened to the both of you, she haven't forgot you, and this time, she's dating Yujin to get you out of her mind.

Minju hated the fact she ended up a 3 years relationship in less than 5 minutes, she wasn't able to face you again, ever since you left the shared apartment, she started to get lonelier, and she felt unfamiliar at the place, she kept finding any sign of you.

Minju tried to shake you off from her mind, as she continued searching for some clothes, then she saw one, a hoodie, your hoodie, the hoodie she always steal and borrow from you, she clutched it, trying not let out any tears. "Gosh." Minju smiled, and wiped those small tears that had fallen from her eyes. With a chuckle she raised it, taking a better look.


It was still clear, the color white was still clear, even the print on it, she can see how bright the black looked, how bright the white looked, Minju sighed, shaking her head.

Remebering those words she said to you, she started to tear up.

"(Y/n). Sorry," Minju sighed and rubbed her forehead, You just looked at her, as you forced yourself not to cry. You then let out a tired, sad smile.

"Why?" You asked, trying to look fine, but inside, you can hear your heart shattering into billion pieces.

"I don't think I can be the best girlfriend you will have." Minju stated, looking down, she then started to tear up.

"I don't think I can ever make you happy." Minju sniffed.

"Minju," You walked up to her, pulling her into a hug.

"Don't ever think of that." You muttered. "You're always making me happy."

Minju pulled away, wiping her tears.

"You don't understand."

"Shit." Minju mumbled, standing up, she got a simple skirt that matches your hoodie. After a while of taking a bath, she then decided to wear your hoodie, she felt stupid wearing the last sign of you on her new date.

Minju finished, she gave the apartment a last glance before hoing out with a deafining click. She had her bag on, walking down into the ground floor.

Minju called out a cab, entering in she looked out in the window, she missed going out in a date, it's been a while. Minju sighed, maybe you two will be really happy if those emotion didn't caught her up.

Minju arrived at the fancy restaurant, where Yujin decided to take her to, she felt embarassed, she felt different, she wasn't use to someone taking her out on fancy dates, you, you're just simple, she knew that you liked it more when the both of you just stays in the apartment, cuddling.

She entered inside and witnessed different couples on a date. Minju felt a tap on her shoulder, she saw you, smiling at her. Minju was shocked, she wasn't able to open her mouth. "(Y-y-y/n)." Minju muttered, you raised your brow and smiled wider to her.

"Why?" You asked. Minju almost had her jaw on the floor, you look extremly beautiful, pretty. Minju felt like someone closed her mouth. "Why are you here?" (Y/n) asked, looking everywhere. "Date?" Minju nodded.

"Me too." Minju frowned but then tried to smile.

"With who?" Minju asked. "Wonyoung,"

"I'm just waiting for her." You looked down at her, before smiling. "That's my hoodie right?" You asked, Minju's face hits up as she looks down. "Yeah."

"You looked good on it." Minju hates it, hates the fact she still wants you back, your smile, wasn't the same, not as bright as before.

You glanced at you back to see your date, Wonyoung.

"Anyway, I have to go." And you left, you left Minju alone.

"Minju." Minju looked behind her to see Yujin.

"Hey." Yujin smiled brightly and took Minju's hand. "Let's go."

And for some reasons she felt sad.

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