How he wakes you up// preference

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Face full of pillow, cocooned in blankets, eyes shut, you lay in bed as the sun starts its 12-hour tour of the sky. "Princess it's time to get up" Dan coos, opening the blind and letting the bright light seep into your room. Moaning, you tighten the duvet around you and grasp your pillow harder than before. "Oh, don't be like that, it's a beautiful day" He says, even with your eyes closed you can hear the smile in his voice. "Am I going to have to force you" He teases. "Mhmm" you reply gripping tighter onto the pillow. Dan pushes the blankets from the end of the bed and grasps both of your ankles. Before you can react he's pulling with all of his might. You end up on the floor in a tangle of sheets, pyjamas, and bedhair. Dan giggles, "breakfast is on the table, I made pancakes" he says, exiting the room.
"Sweetheart." Phil whispers a couple of times before giving up and throwing off all of your blankets and jumping up and down on the bed. "Y/N GET UP" He yells. You roll onto your stomach you use a pillow to block your ears. Phil is upset that you won't listen to him and takes matters into his own hands. Going to the bathroom he fills a cup with bone-chilling water. "I'm give you 5 seconds to get up" He says trying to sound threatening. "Piss off phil im trying to sleep" you say in response and try to fall back asleep, even with a lack of blankets. "5-4-3-2-2 and a half"He says "1, just remember you bought this on yourself" he giggles dumping the water on you and running for his life.

Danisnotonfire and amazingphil imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now